Source code for

"""Module for graphics-related implementations."""
import enum
import os
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from pyvista.plotting import Plotter
import vtk

import ansys.dyna.core.pre as pre
from import _HAS_TRAME, TrameVisualizer
from ansys.dyna.core.pre.internals import defaults

[docs] class DisplayMeshType(enum.IntEnum): """Contains the mesh types to display."""
[docs] FACE = 0
[docs] BEAM = 1
[docs] CYLINDER = 2
[docs] SPHERE = 3
[docs] PLANAR = 4
[docs] class ColorByType(enum.IntEnum): """Contains the zone types to display."""
[docs] ZONE = 0
[docs] ZONELET = 1
[docs] PART = 2
""" bright color palette """ """color_matrix = np.array([ [0.99609375, 0.76171875, 0.0703125], [0.96484375, 0.62109375, 0.12109375], [0.9296875, 0.3515625, 0.140625], [0.9140625, 0.125, 0.15234375], [0.765625, 0.89453125, 0.21875], [0.63671875, 0.79296875, 0.21875], [0, 0.578125, 0.1953125], [0, 0.3828125, 0.3984375], [0.0703125, 0.79296875, 0.765625], [0.0703125, 0.53515625, 0.65234375], [0.0234375, 0.3203125, 0.86328125], [0.10546875, 0.078125, 0.390625], [0.98828125, 0.65234375, 0.87109375], [0.84765625, 0.5, 0.9765625], [0.59765625, 0.5, 0.9765625] ]) * 255 """ """ winter color palette """ """color_matrix = np.array([ [0.2734375, 0.71875, 0.8671875], [0.2734375, 0.90234375, 0.86328125], [0.2734375, 0.87109375, 0.62109375], [0.2734375, 0.80078125, 0.84765625], [0.2734375, 0.70703125, 0.66796875], [0.2734375, 0.84375, 0.90234375], [0.2734375, 0.64453125, 0.71875], [0.2734375, 0.921875, 0.703125], [0.2734375, 0.765625, 0.66015625], [0.2734375, 0.9140625, 0.87890625], [0.2734375, 0.70703125, 0.5], [0.2734375, 0.8828125, 0.70703125], [0.2734375, 0.99609375, 0.8515625], [0.2734375, 0.91015625, 0.9765625], [0.2734375, 0.99609375, 0.6171875] ]) * 255""" """ light fall color palette """
[docs] color_matrix = np.array( [ [155, 186, 126], [242, 236, 175], [255, 187, 131], [194, 187, 97], [159, 131, 169], [157, 190, 139], [233, 218, 158], [254, 252, 196], [246, 210, 148], [215, 208, 198], [196, 235, 145], ] )
[docs] def compute_distance(point1, point2): """Compute the distance between two points.""" dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(point2) - np.array(point1)) return dist
[docs] class Picker: """Contains the items that can be selected from the display with the mouse. Parameters ---------- plotter : Plotter PyVista plotter to manipulate. graphics : Graphics Class for providing callbacks. """ def __init__(self, plotter: pv.Plotter, graphics): """Initialize the picker."""
[docs] self.plotter = plotter
self._graphics = graphics self._selected_disp_mesh: list[_DisplayMesh] = [] self._points = [] self._ignore = False @property
[docs] def selections(self): """All selected meshes in the display.""" return self._selected_disp_mesh
[docs] def clear_selection(self): """Clear all picked selections in the display.""" [disp_mesh.deselect() for disp_mesh in self._selected_disp_mesh] self._selected_disp_mesh.clear()
[docs] def ignore(self, ignore_pick): """Setter for ignore_pick. Parameters ---------- ignore_pick : Any Picked selection to ignore. """ self._ignore = ignore_pick
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Call the code to run when something is clicked in the display.""" if self._ignore: return picked_pt = np.array(self.plotter.pick_mouse_position()) direction = picked_pt - self.plotter.camera_position[0] direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) start = picked_pt - 1000 * direction end = picked_pt + 10000 * direction disp_mesh_list = self._graphics.get_face_mesh_data() closest_disp_mesh = None closest_dist = np.finfo(0.0).max for disp_mesh in disp_mesh_list: if disp_mesh.poly_data is None: continue point, ix = disp_mesh.poly_data.ray_trace(start, end, first_point=True) if ix.size != 0: dist = compute_distance(start, point) if dist < closest_dist and disp_mesh not in self._selected_disp_mesh: closest_dist = dist closest_disp_mesh = disp_mesh elif disp_mesh in self._selected_disp_mesh: disp_mesh.deselect() self._selected_disp_mesh.remove(disp_mesh) if closest_disp_mesh is not None: self._selected_disp_mesh.append(closest_disp_mesh) [ for disp_mesh in self._selected_disp_mesh] return
[docs] class Graphics(object): """Manages graphics in PyDYNA. Parameters ---------- model : pydyna.pre.Model Model to show. use_trame : bool, optional Whether to use the Trame visualizer. The default is ``False``. """ def __init__(self, model: pre.Model, use_trame: bool = False, view_position: str = "xy"): """Initialize graphics.""" self._model = model self._display_data = {} self._display_entity_data = {} self._plotter = None self._picker = None self._color_by_type = ColorByType.ZONE self._parts = None self._app = None self._ruler_visible = False self._ruler_actor = None self._colorByTypeBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._hideBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._showEdgeBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._printInfoBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._showRulerBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._showInitVelBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewIsoBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewTopBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewBottomBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewFrontBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewBackBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewRightBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._viewLeftBt: vtk.vtkButtonWidget = None self._sphinx_build = defaults.get_sphinx_build() self._use_trame = use_trame self._view_position = view_position self._init_velocity_data = [] self._bdy_spc = [] self._actor_init_velocity = None self._actor_bdy_spc = None if self._use_trame and not _HAS_TRAME: # pragma: no cover warn_msg = ( "'use_trame' is active but Trame dependencies are not installed." "Consider installing 'pyvista[trame]' to use this functionality." ) # self._model._logger.warning(warn_msg) self.__update_display_data() def __update_display_data(self): """Update the objects displayed in the visualizer.""" self._model._sync_up_model() part_ids = [ for part in] self._display_data.clear() for i, part_id in enumerate(part_ids): data = {} part = self._model.get_part(part_id) disp_mesh_data: list[_DisplayMesh] = [self.__get_face_display_mesh_object(part_id)] if len(disp_mesh_data) > 0: data["faces"] = disp_mesh_data self._display_data[part_id] = data self._init_velocity_data = self._model.get_init_velocity() self._bdy_spc = self._model.get_bdy_spc() # rigidwall self._display_entity_data.clear() num = len(self._model._rigidwall) for entity_id in range(1, num + 1): data = {} disp_mesh_data: list[_DisplayMesh] = [self.__get_entity_display_mesh_object(entity_id)] if len(disp_mesh_data) > 0: data["faces"] = disp_mesh_data self._display_entity_data[entity_id] = data # self._model._sync_up_model() def __get_face_display_mesh_object(self, part_id: int): """Display the faces in an object. Parameters ---------- part_id : int ID of the part to show the edges on. Returns ------- _DisplayMesh Displayed mesh. """ part = self._model.get_part(part_id) node_coords = self._model.get_nodes() face_list = part.connectivity ptype = part.type if ptype == "SOLID" or ptype == "SHELL": meshtype = DisplayMeshType.FACE elif ptype == "BEAM": meshtype = DisplayMeshType.BEAM disp_mesh = _DisplayMesh( meshtype, part_id, self, self._model, node_coords, face_list,, ) return disp_mesh def __get_entity_display_mesh_object(self, entity_id: int): """Display the faces in an object. Parameters ---------- entity_id : int ID of the entity to show the edges on. Returns ------- _DisplayMesh Displayed mesh. """ index = entity_id - 1 rw = self._model._rigidwall[index] type = rw[0] if type == "rigidwall_cylinder": meshtype = DisplayMeshType.CYLINDER mesh = pv.Cylinder( center=[rw[1], rw[2], rw[3]], direction=[rw[4], rw[5], rw[6]], radius=rw[7], height=rw[8] ) elif type == "rigidwall_sphere": meshtype = DisplayMeshType.SPHERE mesh = pv.Sphere(center=[rw[1], rw[2], rw[3]], direction=[rw[4], rw[5], rw[6]], radius=rw[7]) elif type == "rigidwall_planar": meshtype = DisplayMeshType.PLANAR dir = [rw[4] - rw[1], rw[5] - rw[2], rw[6] - rw[3]] mesh = pv.Plane(center=[rw[1], rw[2], rw[3]], direction=dir, i_size=1000, j_size=1000) disp_mesh = _DisplayMesh( type=meshtype, part_id=entity_id, graphics=self, model=self._model, mesh=mesh, ) return disp_mesh
[docs] def __call__( self, parts: List = None, update: bool = True, ): """Show the appropriate display based on parameters. Parameters ---------- parts : Any, optional Parts to show. The default is ``None``. update : bool, optional Whether to update the display. The default is ``True``. """ parts = [ for part in] self.__draw_parts(parts, False)
# def __color_by_type_callback(self, button_value: bool): # pragma: no cover """Determine the color of a type in the callback.""" vr = self._colorByTypeBt.GetRepresentation() state = vr.GetState() self._color_by_type = ColorByType(state) r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() color_by_type_icon_file = "" if self._color_by_type == ColorByType.ZONELET: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "surface_body.png") elif self._color_by_type == ColorByType.ZONE: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "bin.png") else: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "parts.png") r.SetFileName(color_by_type_icon_file) r.Update() image = r.GetOutput() vr.SetButtonTexture(state, image) [ disp_mesh.set_color_by_type(self._color_by_type) for part_id, data in self._display_data.items() if data.get("faces") != None for disp_mesh in data["faces"] ] def __show_init_velocity_callback(self, button_value: bool): # pragma: no cover """Show initial velocity in the callback.""" if len(self._init_velocity_data) == 0: return vr = self._showInitVelBt.GetRepresentation() state = vr.GetState() r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() color_by_type_icon_file = "" if button_value: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "surface_body.png") list1 = self._init_velocity_data[: len(self._init_velocity_data) // 2] list2 = self._init_velocity_data[len(self._init_velocity_data) // 2 :] vertices = np.array(list1) vel = np.array(list2) self._actor_init_velocity = self._plotter.add_arrows(vertices, vel) else: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "bin.png") self._plotter.remove_actor(self._actor_init_velocity) self._actor_init_velocity = None r.SetFileName(color_by_type_icon_file) r.Update() image = r.GetOutput() vr.SetButtonTexture(state, image) def __show_bdy_spc_callback(self, button_value: bool): # pragma: no cover """Show boundary spc in the callback.""" if len(self._bdy_spc) == 0: return vr = self._colorByTypeBt.GetRepresentation() state = vr.GetState() r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() color_by_type_icon_file = "" if button_value: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "surface_body.png") vertices = np.array(self._bdy_spc) self._actor_bdy_spc = self._plotter.add_points(vertices, color="red") else: color_by_type_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "bin.png") self._plotter.remove_actor(self._actor_bdy_spc) self._actor = None r.SetFileName(color_by_type_icon_file) r.Update() image = r.GetOutput() vr.SetButtonTexture(state, image) def __hide_unhide_selection(self, button_value: bool): # pragma: no cover """Hide or unhide the clicked component.""" sel_disp_mesh = self._picker.selections if len(sel_disp_mesh) > 0: [disp_mesh.hide(self._plotter) for disp_mesh in sel_disp_mesh] self._picker.clear_selection() else: [ disp_mesh.unhide(self._plotter) for part_id, data in self._display_data.items() if data.get("faces") != None for disp_mesh in data["faces"] ] def __show_edges_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """Show or hide the edges.""" [ disp_mesh.show_edges(flag) for part_id, data in self._display_data.items() if data.get("faces") != None for disp_mesh in data["faces"] ] def __print_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """Print information.""" sel_disp_mesh = self._picker.selections [print(disp_mesh) for disp_mesh in sel_disp_mesh] def __show_ruler_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """Show a ruler on the UI when ruler button is clicked.""" if self._plotter is not None: if self._ruler_visible and self._ruler_actor is not None: self._plotter.remove_actor(self._ruler_actor) self._ruler_visible = False else: self._ruler_actor = self._plotter.show_bounds( grid="front", location="outer", all_edges=False, show_xaxis=True, show_yaxis=True, show_zaxis=True, ) self._ruler_visible = True def __view_iso_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View iso.""" self._plotter.view_isometric() def __view_top_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View top.""" self._plotter.view_xy() def __view_bottom_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View bottom.""" self._plotter.view_yx() def __view_front_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View front.""" self._plotter.view_yz() def __view_back_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View back.""" self._plotter.view_zy() def __view_right_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View right.""" self._plotter.view_xz() def __view_left_callback(self, flag): # pragma: no cover """View left.""" self._plotter.view_zx()
[docs] def get_face_mesh_data(self): """Get the mesh data from a face. Returns ------- List Mesh data for the face. """ face_mesh_data = [ disp_mesh for part_id, data in self._display_data.items() if data.get("faces") != None for disp_mesh in data["faces"] ] return face_mesh_data
[docs] def show(self): """Show the current set display.""" solidlist = self._model.get_solid_elements() shelllist = self._model.get_shell_elements() nodes = self._model.get_nodes() vertices = np.array(nodes) faces = [] for elem in solidlist: face1 = [4, elem[0] - 1, elem[1] - 1, elem[2] - 1, elem[3] - 1] face2 = [4, elem[0] - 1, elem[4] - 1, elem[5] - 1, elem[1] - 1] face3 = [4, elem[1] - 1, elem[5] - 1, elem[6] - 1, elem[2] - 1] face4 = [4, elem[2] - 1, elem[6] - 1, elem[7] - 1, elem[3] - 1] face5 = [4, elem[3] - 1, elem[7] - 1, elem[4] - 1, elem[0] - 1] face6 = [4, elem[4] - 1, elem[7] - 1, elem[6] - 1, elem[5] - 1] faces.append(face1) faces.append(face2) faces.append(face3) faces.append(face4) faces.append(face5) faces.append(face6) for elem in shelllist: face = [4, elem[0] - 1, elem[1] - 1, elem[2] - 1, elem[3] - 1] faces.append(face) fs = np.hstack(faces) surf = pv.PolyData(vertices, fs) self._plotter = pv.Plotter() self._plotter.add_mesh(surf, show_edges=True, line_width=5) self._plotter.show_axes() if self._sphinx_build == False: self._colorByTypeBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__color_by_type_callback, position=(10, 700), size=30, border_size=3, ) self._showInitVelBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_init_velocity_callback, position=(10, 700), size=30, border_size=3, ) self._hideBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__hide_unhide_selection, position=(10, 650), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._showEdgeBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_edges_callback, value=False, position=(10, 600), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._printInfoBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__print_callback, position=(10, 550), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._showRulerBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_ruler_callback, position=(10, 500), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._plotter.camera_position = "xy" self._picker = Picker(self._plotter, self) self._plotter.track_click_position(self._picker, side="left") if self._sphinx_build == False: self.__update_bt_icons()
def __draw_parts(self, parts: List = [], update: bool = False, spline: bool = False): """Draw parts in the display. Parameters ---------- parts : list, optional List of parts to display. The default is ``[]``. update : bool, optional Whether to update the display. The default is ``False``. spline : bool, optional Whether to use splines. The default is ``False``. """ if update == True: self.__update_display_data() self._plotter = pv.Plotter() self._plotter.show_axes() # disp_mesh.add_to_plotter(self._plotter) [ disp_mesh.add_to_plotter(self._plotter) for part_id, data in self._display_data.items() if (part_id in parts) for key, disp_mesh_data in data.items() for disp_mesh in disp_mesh_data ] [ disp_mesh.add_to_plotter(self._plotter) for entity_id, data in self._display_entity_data.items() for key, disp_mesh_data in data.items() for disp_mesh in disp_mesh_data ] if self._sphinx_build == False: self._colorByTypeBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_bdy_spc_callback, position=(10, 700), size=30, border_size=3, ) self._showInitVelBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_init_velocity_callback, position=(10, 650), size=30, border_size=3, ) self._hideBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__hide_unhide_selection, position=(10, 600), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._showEdgeBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_edges_callback, value=False, position=(10, 550), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._printInfoBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__print_callback, position=(10, 500), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._showRulerBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__show_ruler_callback, position=(10, 450), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewIsoBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_iso_callback, position=(700, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewTopBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_top_callback, position=(650, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewBottomBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_bottom_callback, position=(600, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewFrontBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_front_callback, position=(550, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewBackBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_back_callback, position=(500, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewRightBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_right_callback, position=(450, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._viewLeftBt = self._plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.__view_left_callback, position=(400, 10), size=30, border_size=3 ) self._picker = Picker(self._plotter, self) self._plotter.track_click_position(self._picker, side="left") if self._sphinx_build == False: self.__update_bt_icons() self._show_selector() def _show_selector(self): """Chooses between using Trame or Python visualizer.""" if self._use_trame: # pragma: no cover pv.set_jupyter_backend("server") visualizer = TrameVisualizer() visualizer.set_scene(self._plotter) else: if self._view_position in ["xy", "xz", "yx", "yz", "zx", "zy"]: pos = self._view_position else: pos = "xy" self._plotter.camera_position = pos"static") def __update_bt_icons(self): """Update the icons on display.""" vr = self._colorByTypeBt.GetRepresentation() vr.SetNumberOfStates(2) r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() color_by_zone_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "bin.png") r.SetFileName(color_by_zone_icon_file) r.Update() image_1 = r.GetOutput() vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_1) vr = self._showInitVelBt.GetRepresentation() vr.SetNumberOfStates(2) r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() color_by_zone_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "bin.png") r.SetFileName(color_by_zone_icon_file) r.Update() image_1 = r.GetOutput() vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_1) hide_vr = self._hideBt.GetRepresentation() hide_unhide_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "invert_visibility.png") hide_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() hide_r.SetFileName(hide_unhide_icon_file) hide_r.Update() image_2 = hide_r.GetOutput() hide_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_2) hide_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_2) show_edge_vr = self._showEdgeBt.GetRepresentation() show_edges_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "show_edges.png") show_edge_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_edge_r.SetFileName(show_edges_icon_file) show_edge_r.Update() image_3 = show_edge_r.GetOutput() show_edge_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_3) show_edge_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_3) print_info_vr = self._printInfoBt.GetRepresentation() print_info_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "selectioninfo.png") print_info_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() print_info_r.SetFileName(print_info_icon_file) print_info_r.Update() image_4 = print_info_r.GetOutput() print_info_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_4) print_info_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_4) show_ruler_vr = self._showRulerBt.GetRepresentation() show_ruler_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "show_ruler.png") show_ruler_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_ruler_r.SetFileName(show_ruler_icon_file) show_ruler_r.Update() image_5 = show_ruler_r.GetOutput() show_ruler_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_5) show_ruler_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_5) show_viewiso_vr = self._viewIsoBt.GetRepresentation() viewiso_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_metric.png") show_view_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_view_r.SetFileName(viewiso_icon_file) show_view_r.Update() image_6 = show_view_r.GetOutput() show_viewiso_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_6) show_viewiso_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_6) show_viewtop_vr = self._viewTopBt.GetRepresentation() viewtop_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_top.png") show_viewtop_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_viewtop_r.SetFileName(viewtop_icon_file) show_viewtop_r.Update() image_7 = show_viewtop_r.GetOutput() show_viewtop_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_7) show_viewtop_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_7) show_viewbottom_vr = self._viewBottomBt.GetRepresentation() viewbottom_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_bottom.png") show_viewbottom_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_viewbottom_r.SetFileName(viewbottom_icon_file) show_viewbottom_r.Update() image_8 = show_viewbottom_r.GetOutput() show_viewbottom_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_8) show_viewbottom_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_8) show_viewfront_vr = self._viewFrontBt.GetRepresentation() viewfront_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_front.png") show_viewfront_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_viewfront_r.SetFileName(viewfront_icon_file) show_viewfront_r.Update() image_9 = show_viewfront_r.GetOutput() show_viewfront_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_9) show_viewfront_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_9) show_viewback_vr = self._viewBackBt.GetRepresentation() viewback_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_back.png") show_viewback_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_viewback_r.SetFileName(viewback_icon_file) show_viewback_r.Update() image_10 = show_viewback_r.GetOutput() show_viewback_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_10) show_viewback_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_10) show_viewright_vr = self._viewRightBt.GetRepresentation() viewright_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_right.png") show_viewright_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_viewright_r.SetFileName(viewright_icon_file) show_viewright_r.Update() image_11 = show_viewright_r.GetOutput() show_viewright_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_11) show_viewright_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_11) show_viewleft_vr = self._viewLeftBt.GetRepresentation() viewleft_icon_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", "iso_left.png") show_viewleft_r = vtk.vtkPNGReader() show_viewleft_r.SetFileName(viewleft_icon_file) show_viewleft_r.Update() image_12 = show_viewleft_r.GetOutput() show_viewleft_vr.SetButtonTexture(0, image_12) show_viewleft_vr.SetButtonTexture(1, image_12)
[docs] def get_color_by_type(self) -> ColorByType: """Get the color by zone type. Returns ------- ColorByType Color by zone type. """ return self._color_by_type
class _DisplayMesh(object): # pragma: no cover """Provides a helper class for displaying meshes in the plotter. Parameters ---------- type : DisplayMeshType Type of the mesh. id : int ID of the mesh. part_id : int ID of the part to mesh. graphics : Graphics Instance of the ``Graphics`` class. model : pre.Model Model to show. vertices : np.array Vertices of the mesh. facet_list : np.array List of faces of the model. part_name : str, optional Name of the part. The default is ``""``. """ def __init__( self, type: DisplayMeshType, part_id: int, graphics: Graphics, model: pre.Model, vertices: np.array = None, facet_list: np.array = None, mesh=None, part_name: str = "", ): """Initialize the parameters to display.""" self._type = type self._part_id = part_id self._graphics = graphics self._model = model self._vertices = vertices self._facet_list = facet_list self._mesh = mesh self._poly_data = None self._actor = None self._part_name = part_name # self.__update() @property def poly_data(self): return self._poly_data def __str__(self): msg = "Part Id : " + str(self._part_id) + ", Part Name : " + self._part_name + "\n" return msg def add_to_plotter(self, plotter: Plotter): """Add elements to the plotter. Parameters ---------- plotter : Plotter Elements of another plotter to add. """ if self._poly_data == None: if self._type is DisplayMeshType.FACE: surf = pv.PolyData(self._vertices, self._facet_list) fcolor = np.array(self.get_face_color()) colors = np.tile(fcolor, (surf.n_cells, 1)) surf["colors"] = colors surf.disp_mesh = self self._poly_data = surf # sh_edge = self._has_mesh if self._type is DisplayMeshType.TOPOFACE else True # if self._poly_data.n_points > 0: self._actor = plotter.add_mesh( self._poly_data, show_edges=True, scalars="colors", rgb=True, pickable=True ) elif self._type is DisplayMeshType.BEAM: surf = pv.PolyData(self._vertices, lines=self._facet_list) fcolor = np.array(self.get_face_color()) colors = np.tile(fcolor, (surf.n_cells, 1)) surf["colors"] = colors surf.disp_mesh = self self._poly_data = surf self._actor = plotter.add_mesh( self._poly_data, show_edges=True, scalars="colors", rgb=True, pickable=True ) elif ( self._type is DisplayMeshType.CYLINDER or self._type is DisplayMeshType.SPHERE or self._type is DisplayMeshType.PLANAR ): surf = self._mesh fcolor = np.array(self.get_face_color()) colors = np.tile(fcolor, (surf.n_cells, 1)) surf["colors"] = colors surf.disp_mesh = self self._poly_data = surf self._actor = plotter.add_mesh( self._poly_data, show_edges=True, scalars="colors", rgb=True, pickable=True ) return def get_face_color(self): """Get the colors of faces. Returns ------- List List of colors for faces. """ type = self._graphics.get_color_by_type() num_colors = int(color_matrix.size / 3) return color_matrix[self._part_id % num_colors].tolist() def get_edge_color(self): """Get the colors of edges. Returns ------- List List of colors for edges. """ num_colors = int(color_matrix.size / 3) if self._type == DisplayMeshType.FACE: return color_matrix[self._id % num_colors].tolist() elif self._type == DisplayMeshType.BEAM: if self._topo_edge_type == 1: return [255, 0, 0] elif self._topo_edge_type == 2: return [0, 0, 0] elif self._topo_edge_type == 3: return [0, 255, 255] elif self._topo_edge_type == 4: return [255, 0, 255] elif self._topo_edge_type == 5: return [255, 255, 0] elif self._topo_edge_type == 6: return [128, 0, 128] else: return color_matrix[self._id % num_colors].tolist() def deselect(self): """Deselect mesh.""" if self._type == DisplayMeshType.FACE: if self._poly_data != None and self._actor != None: self._actor.prop.edge_color = "black" # fcolor = np.array(self.get_face_color()) # colors = np.tile(fcolor, (self._poly_data.n_faces, 1)) # self._poly_data["colors"] = colors def select(self): """Select mesh.""" if self._type == DisplayMeshType.FACE: if self._poly_data != None and self._actor != None: self._actor.prop.edge_color = "white" # fcolor = np.array([255, 255, 0]) # fcolor = np.array([233, 99, 28]) # colors = np.tile(fcolor, (self._poly_data.n_faces, 1)) # self._poly_data["colors"] = colors def hide(self, plotter: Plotter): """Hide mesh.""" plotter.remove_actor(self._actor) self._actor = None def clear(self, plotter: Plotter): """Clear mesh.""" plotter.remove_actor(self._actor) del self._actor self._actor = None def unhide(self, plotter: Plotter): """Unhide mesh.""" if self._actor is None and self._poly_data.n_points > 0: self._actor = plotter.add_mesh( self._poly_data, show_edges=True, scalars="colors", rgb=True, pickable=True, ) def show_edges(self, show: bool): """Show edges.""" if self._actor is not None: prop = self._actor.GetProperty() self._show_edges = not prop.GetEdgeVisibility() prop.SetEdgeVisibility(not prop.GetEdgeVisibility()) def set_color_by_type(self, type: ColorByType): """Set the color based on the zone type. Parameters ---------- type : ColorByType Color by zone type. """ if self._type == DisplayMeshType.FACE: if self._poly_data != None: fcolor = np.array(self.get_face_color()) colors = np.tile(fcolor, (self._poly_data.n_cells, 1)) self._poly_data["colors"] = colors