Source code for ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver

Dyna solver

Module for defining the PyDNYA ``solver`` service.

import logging
import os
import queue
import sys
import threading

from ansys.api.dyna.v0 import dynasolver_pb2, dynasolver_pb2_grpc
import grpc
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import grpc_tags as tag

# from .launcher import *  # noqa : F403

# Define our own exceptions

[docs] class RunningError(Exception): """Documentation missing.""" pass
[docs] class NotFound(Exception): """Documentation missing.""" pass
[docs] class UnexpectedResponse(Exception): """Documentation missing.""" pass
[docs] class DynaSolver: """Provides the gRPC client-side of Ansys LS-DYNA. Parameters ---------- hostname : string Host name or IP address to connect to. port : string Port the gRPC server is to listen on. Returns ------- An instance of the client, which can be used to communicate with the gRPC server running at the given host name and port. The client can then interact with LS-DYNA via gRPC. """ # logger = None def __init__(self, hostname="localhost", port="5000", channel=None, server_path=""): """Create a client instance connected to the host name (or IP address) and port."""
[docs] self.hostname = hostname
[docs] self.port = port
[docs] self.pim_client = None
[docs] self.remote_instance = None
[docs] temp = hostname + ":" + str(port)
if channel is None: self._channel = grpc.insecure_channel(temp) else: self._channel = channel try: grpc.channel_ready_future(self._channel).result(timeout=5) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError: logging.critical("Can not connect to Solver Server") sys.exit()"Connected to Solver Server...")
[docs] self.stub = dynasolver_pb2_grpc.DynaSolverCommStub(self._channel)
# self.stub = DynaSolverCommStub( # if DynaSolver.logger is None: # DynaSolver.logger = logging.getLogger("DynaSolver") # DynaSolver.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # fh = logging.FileHandler('DynaSolver.log') # fm = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s', # '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') # fh.setFormatter(fm) # DynaSolver.logger.addHandler(fh) # DynaSolver.logger.propagate = False # self.logger = DynaSolver.logger
[docs] self.logger = logging.getLogger("DynaSolver")
[docs] def get_appdata_path(): system_type = if system_type == "nt": # Windows appdata_folder = os.getenv("APPDATA") + "\PYDYNA" if not os.path.isdir(appdata_folder): os.mkdir(appdata_folder) elif system_type == "posix": # Linux or Macos # appdata_folder = "/usr/local/lib" + "/pydyna" appdata_folder = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/Downloads" if not os.path.isdir(appdata_folder): os.mkdir(appdata_folder) else: print("platform unsupported") return appdata_folder
[docs] def downloadfile(url: str, fname: str): resp = requests.get(url, stream=True) total = int(resp.headers.get("content-length", 0)) with open(fname, "wb") as file, tqdm( desc=fname, total=total, unit="iB", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) as bar: for data in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): size = file.write(data) bar.update(size)
[docs] def grpc_local_server_on() -> bool: """Check if the server is launched locally. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:5000") try: grpc.channel_ready_future(channel).result(timeout=5) except: return False return True
def _argcheck(self, cmd, ngiven, nrequired): """Internally used routine for checking command argument counts when using the generic ``send`` method.""" if ngiven < nrequired: s = "Bad input for command %s:" % cmd s = s + ("At least %d arguments are required, but only %d " "were given" % (nrequired, ngiven)) self.logger.warning(s) return 0 return 1 def _check_return(self, response): """Internally used routine for checking the command response.""" if response.tag == tag.ACK: return if response.tag == tag.NOTRUNNING: raise RunningError("LSDYNA is not running") if response.tag == tag.RUNNING: raise RunningError("LSDYNA is already running") if response.tag == tag.NOTFOUND: raise NotFound("Requested %s (%s) not found" % (self.itemtype, self.itemname)) raise UnexpectedResponse("Unknown return value %d" % response.tag) return def _set_client_log_level(self, levelname): """Internally used routine to set the logging level on the client.""" if levelname in ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"): self.logger.setLevel(levelname) else: self.logger.setLevel("INFO")"Invalid log level %s specified, reset to INFO" % levelname) def _set_server_log_level(self, levelname): """Internally used routine to set the logging level on the server.""" request = dynasolver_pb2.LogLevel() request.level = bytes(levelname, "utf-8") self.stub.log_level(request) def _set_log_level(self, levelname): """Internally used routine to set the logging level of both the server and the client.""" self._set_client_log_level(levelname) self._set_server_log_level(levelname)
[docs] def list_files(self, subname=None): """Get size information about one or more files in the LS-DYNA working directory. Parameters ---------- subname : string, default : None If given, only files whose names contain subname as a substring are returned. This check is case insensitive. Returns ------- Array of (filename, size in bytes) pairs. """ self.logger.debug("list_files: subname=%s" % subname) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverFileRequest() if subname: = bytes(subname, "utf-8") response = self.stub.list_files(request) ret = [] n = len( for i in range(n): ret.append((str([i], "utf-8"), response.size[i])) return ret
[docs] def node(self, n): """Get size information about a node in the model's working directory. Parameters ---------- n : integer User ID of a node in the model. Returns ------- A pair of 3-tuples are returned, giving the ``(x, y, z)`` coordinates and velocities of the node. If the node number given does not exist in the model, then ``(None, None)`` is returned. """ self.logger.debug("node: %d" % n) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.NODE self.itemtype = "node" self.itemname = "%d" % n request.i8.append(n) response = self.stub.send_request(request) if response.tag == tag.NODE: X = tuple(response.r8[0:3]) V = tuple(response.r8[3:6]) return (X, V) self._check_return(response) return (None, None)
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause LS-DYNA execution. Execution stops until told to resume or quit. Most ``switch``" commands result in one cycle being executed so that the switch can be handled, and then LS-DYNA pauses again. """ self.logger.debug("pause") request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.PAUSE response = self.stub.send_request(request) self._check_return(response) return
[docs] def pull(self, fname): """Provide an alias for the ``download`` method for backward compatibility.""" return
[docs] def download(self, fname): """Download a file from the gRPC server. Parameters ---------- fname : string Name of the file to download. The file is downloaded to the current working directory of the calling process. The file name should not begin with a leading ``/``. The file is interpreted relative to the LS-DYNA working directory. Returns ------- int Number of bytes received. """ self.logger.debug("download: %s" % fname) # # This makes a single request, but gets a stream of data back. # request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverFileRequest(name=bytes(fname, "utf-8")) response_iterator = self.stub.download_file(request) fp = open(fname, "wb") fsize = 0 for response in response_iterator: # process all returned packets fp.write(response.b) fsize = fsize + len(response.b) fp.close() return fsize
[docs] def push(self, fname): """Provide an alias for the ``upload` method for backward compatibility.""" return self.upload(fname)
[docs] def upload(self, fname): """Upload a file to the LS-DYNA working directory. Parameters ---------- fname : string Name of the local file to upload. The contents of this file are copied into the LS-DYNA working directory in a file of the same name, but with any path components removed. Returns ------- int Number of bytes sent. """ # # This request sends a stream of data to the server and # gets a single response back. # # First packet contains the filename. The rest hold the contents. # # self.logger.debug("upload: %s" % fname) fsize = 0 def push_packets(fname): nonlocal fsize request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverFileData() # request = DynaSolverFileData() # Only send the base file name, not the whole path! bfname = os.path.split(fname)[1] request.b = bytes(bfname, "utf-8") yield request fp = open(fname, "rb") blocksize = 1000000 n = blocksize while n == blocksize: request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverFileData() # request = DynaSolverFileData() request.b = n = len(request.b) fsize = fsize + n yield request fp.close() # # Now use that generator to push a stream of packets to the server. # self.stub.upload_file(push_packets(fname)) return fsize
[docs] def quit(self): """Terminate the gRPC server program. This does not terminate LS-DYNA. If the server is running inside a container, it ignore this command and continues running. """ self.logger.debug("quit") if self.remote_instance is not None: self.remote_instance.delete() if self.pim_client is not None: self.pim_client.close() request = dynasolver_pb2.QuitServer() # ALWAYS returns ACK, so don't bother checking self.stub.quit_server(request) return
[docs] def resume(self, cycle=None, time=None): """Resume execution. Parameters ---------- cycle : integer, optional Cycle to pause execution on. The default is ``None``. time : float, optional Ssimulation time to pause execution at. The default is ``None``. This command can be given whether LS-DYNA is paused or running. LS-DYNA runs until the given cycle number or simulation time. If both are given, it stops based on whichever occurs first. If neither are given, it runs until termination or until paused. """ if cycle: cc = "cycle=%d " % cycle else: cc = "cycle=None " if time: tt = "time=%f" % time else: tt = "time=None" self.logger.debug("resume: " + cc + tt) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.RESUME try: if cycle: request.i8.append(cycle) except TypeError: raise TypeError("resume: Cycle must be an integer, or None") try: if time: request.r8.append(time) except TypeError: raise TypeError("resume: Time must be a number, or None") response = self.stub.send_request(request) self._check_return(response) return
[docs] def run(self, args): """Begin execution with the given string as the command-line arguments. Parameters ---------- args : str Command line to pass to LS-DYNA. """ self.logger.debug("run: %s" % args) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() # request = DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.RUN request.b = bytes(args, "utf-8") response = self.stub.send_request(request) self._check_return(response) self.tail(which=1, how=0) return
[docs] def setlc(self, lc, value): """Set a load curve to a constant value. Parameters ---------- lc : int User ID of the load curve to set. value : float Value to set the load curve to. """ self.logger.debug("setlc: %d %f" % (lc, value)) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.SETLC try: request.i8.append(lc) except TypeError: raise TypeError("setlc: Loadcurve ID must be an integer") try: request.r8.append(value) except TypeError: raise TypeError("setlc: Value must be a number") self.itemtype = "loadcurve" self.itemname = "%d" % lc response = self.stub.send_request(request) self._check_return(response) return
[docs] def start(self, nproc): """Start LS-DYNA. The program starts and awaits further input. To begin a simulation, the ``run`` command must used to send the command line arguments. After starting but before running, a ``resume`` command can be sent to set a pause time or cycle. Parameters ---------- nproc : int Number of cores (MPI ranks) to run. """ self.logger.debug("start: %d" % nproc) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverStart() # request = DynaSolverStart() request.exename = b"mppdyna" request.nproc = nproc response = self.stub.start_solver(request) if response.status == tag.RUNNING: raise RunningError("LSDYNA is already running") return
[docs] def start_locally(self, preset="MPP", input="", nproc=1, memory=20): """Begin execution with the given string as the command-line arguments. Parameters ---------- args : str Command line to pass to LS-DYNA. """ self.logger.debug("start: %d" % nproc) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverStartLocal() request.preset = bytes(preset, "utf-8") request.input = bytes(input, "utf-8") request.nproc = nproc request.memory = memory response = self.stub.start_solver_locally(request) # if response.status == tag.RUNNING: # raise RunningError("LSDYNA is already running") self.tail(which=1, how=0) return
[docs] def switch(self, args): """Send a "sense switch" to LS-DYNA. Parameters ---------- args : str Sense switch string. Returns ------- If the switch sent is ``sw2.``, a string is returned with the usual status update information that a switch generates. Otherwise, an empty string is returned. """ self.logger.debug("switch: %s" % args) request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.SWITCH request.b = bytes(args, "utf-8") response = self.stub.send_request(request) if response.tag == tag.SWITCH: return str(response.b, "utf-8") self._check_return(response) return ""
[docs] def tail(self, which=1, how=2, queuesize=0): """Monitor the stdout or stderr of the running job. Parameters ---------- which : int, optional Which stream to monitor. The default is ``1``, in which case stdout is used. Otherwise, stderr is used. how : int, optional How to handle the file data. The default is ``2``. Options are: - 0: The file contents are printed to stdout, and this method does not return until LS-DYNA terminates. - 1: A ``Queue`` instance is returned. The queue holds raw blocks of text as returned by the server. - 2: A ``Queue`` instance is returned.The queue holds individual lines of text. queuesize : int, optional Size to use for the ``Queue`` instance if the ``how`` parameter is set to a value greater than ``0``. Returns ------- If the value for the ``how`` parameter is greater than 0, a ``Queue instance`` is returned. When a call to the ``q.get()`` method returns ``None``, all data has been returned. """ self.logger.debug("tail: which=%d, how=%d, queuesize=%d" % (which, how, queuesize)) # # If how > 0, we don't want to block. So create another DynaSolver # and start the real communication work inside another thread # if how > 0: q = queue.Queue(maxsize=queuesize) con2 = DynaSolver(self.hostname, self.port) t = threading.Thread(target=con2._tail2, args=(which, q, how), daemon=True) t.start() return q # # This makes a single request, but gets a stream of data back. # request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverTailRequest(which=which) response_iterator = self.stub.tail_file(request) for response in response_iterator: # process all returned packets sys.stdout.write(str(response.b, "utf-8")) sys.stdout.flush()
def _tail2(self, which, q, how): """Read packets of stdout or stderr data and place them in a queue. Parameters ---------- which : int Which stream to monitor. If ``which=1``, stdout is used. Otherwise, stderr is used. q : Queue to place data in. how : int How to process the data. Options are: - 1: Place each received packet into the queue as a string. - 2: Convert the received data to individual lines of text and put those in the queue. """ # # This makes a single request, but it gets a stream of data back. # request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverTailRequest(which=which) response_iterator = self.stub.tail_file(request) if how == 1: for response in response_iterator: # process all returned packets q.put(str(response.b, "utf-8")) q.put(None) # # Actual text lines might be split across responses, so if there is # a partial text line (not ending in ``\n``), pull it off the end and put # it on the front of the next response that arrives. # else: lastline = "" for response in response_iterator: # process all returned packets buf = str(response.b, "utf-8") ret = (lastline + buf).split("\n") lastline = ret.pop() for line in ret: q.put(line) # This should only happen if the file did not terminate with a ``\n`` if lastline: q.put(lastline) # So the caller knows the difference between "the queue is empty # but more data is expected" and "No more data is coming", we # put this on the queue after all data has arrived q.put(None)
[docs] def time(self): """Get the current cycle count and simulation time. Returns ------- A (cycle_count, simulation_time) pair. """ self.logger.debug("time") request = dynasolver_pb2.DynaSolverRelay() request.tag = tag.TIME response = self.stub.send_request(request) if response.tag == tag.TIME: return (response.i8[0], response.r8[0]) self._check_return(response) return (None, None)
[docs] def send(self, cmdin): """Send one request to LS-DYNA using the command-line interface. Parameters ---------- cmdin : string Command to send. Returns ------- None There is no data returned. Data that is returned from the underlying method call is just printed to the screen. This method is used to support the sample interactive ```` program. +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Description | Example | +===========================================+=======================+ | "list" then optional file name | list d3plot | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "list" then optional file name | list d3plot | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "node" user node number | node 43444 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "pause" (no arguments) | pause | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "download" then file name | download glstat | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "upload" then file name | upload input.k | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "quit" (no arguments) | quit | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "resume" optional cycle and/or time | resume 5000 0.25 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "run" then the command line | run i=input.k jobid=xx| +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "setlc" user load curve number and value | setlc 1075 0.245 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "start" number of processors | start 5 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "switch" then switch text | switch sw2 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "tail" then 1 for stdout, 2 for stderr | tail 1 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "time" (no arguments) | time. | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ """ self.logger.debug("send: %s" % cmdin) try: (cmd, args) = cmdin.split(None, 1) except ValueError: cmd = cmdin args = "" sargs = args.split() nsargs = len(sargs) # if cmd == "list": if nsargs > 0: finfo = self.list_files(sargs[0]) else: finfo = self.list_files() # To make things pretty, find a reasonable formatting to use max1 = 0 max2 = 0 for dat in finfo: n1 = len("%s" % dat[0]) n2 = len("%d" % dat[1]) if n1 > max1: max1 = n1 if n2 > max2: max2 = n2 fmt = "%%-%ds %%%dd" % (max1, max2) for dat in finfo: print(fmt % dat) elif cmd == "node": if not self._argcheck("node", nsargs, 1): return try: (a, b) = self.node(int(sargs[0])) except NotFound as err: print(err) else: if a: print("X=%.10e %.10e %.10e" % a) print("V=%.10e %.10e %.10e" % b) elif cmd == "pause": self.pause() elif cmd == "pull" or cmd == "download": if not self._argcheck("download", nsargs, 1): return flen =[0]) print("Downloaded %d bytes" % flen) elif cmd == "push" or cmd == "upload": if not self._argcheck("upload", nsargs, 1): return flen = self.upload(sargs[0]) print("Uploaded %d bytes" % flen) elif cmd == "quit": self.quit() sys.exit(0) elif cmd == "resume": c = None t = None for a in sargs: if a.find(".") >= 0: t = float(a) else: c = int(a) self.resume(c, t) elif cmd == "run": if not self._argcheck("run", nsargs, 1): return elif cmd == "setlc": if not self._argcheck("setlc", nsargs, 2): return try: self.setlc(int(sargs[0]), float(sargs[1])) except NotFound as err: print(err) elif cmd == "start": if not self._argcheck("start", nsargs, 1): return nproc = int(sargs[0]) try: self.start(nproc) except RunningError as err: print(err) elif cmd == "switch": if not self._argcheck("switch", nsargs, 1): return s = self.switch(args) print(s) elif cmd == "tail": if not self._argcheck("tail", nsargs, 1): return self.tail(int(sargs[0]), how=0) elif cmd == "time": (a, b) = self.time() if a: print("Simulation cycle=%d, time=%.10e" % (a, b)) else: print("Unknown command") return return
[docs] def runfile(self, fname): """ Read command lines from a file and execute them. Each line is read from the file and echoed to the screen. You must hit the **enter** key to trigger execution of the command. Parameters ---------- fname : str File to read commands from. """ f = open(fname, "r") cmds = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] f.close() for cmdin in cmds: input("> %s " % cmdin) self.send(cmdin)