ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial ================================ .. py:module:: ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Material API ============= Module for creating a material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.Air ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.Liner ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.HighExplosive ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.Vacuum ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatNull ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.EMEOSTabulated1 ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.EMMATTYPE ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatAdditional ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatElastic ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatPlasticKinematic ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatElasticPlasticThermal ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatRigid ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatShapeMemory ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatCrushableFoam ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatOgdenRubber ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatThermalIsotropic ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatThermalOrthotropic ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatRigidDiscrete ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatPiecewiseLinearPlasticity ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatModifiedPiecewiseLinearPlasticity ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatSpotweld ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatFabric ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatSpringNonlinearElastic ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatDamperViscous ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatDamperNonlinearViscous ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatSPHIncompressibleFluid ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamaterial.MatSPHIncompressibleStructure Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Air(mass_density=0.00128, pressure_cutoff=-1e-09, initial_internal_energy=2.5331e-06, initial_relative_volume=1.0, equation_coefficient=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.4, 0]) Defines an air material. :Parameters: **name** : :class:`python:str` Material name. **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``0.00128``. **pressure_cutoff** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` pressure cutoff. The default is ``1e-09``. **initial_internal_energy** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Initial internal energy per unit reference volume. The default is ``2.5331e-06``. **initial_relative_volume** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Initial relative volume. The default is ``1.0``. **equation_coefficient** : :class:`python:list`, :obj:`optional` Six polynomial equation coefficient. The default is ``[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.4, 0])``. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: mass_density .. py:attribute:: pressure_cutoff .. py:attribute:: initial_internal_energy .. py:attribute:: initial_relative_volume .. py:attribute:: equation_coefficient .. py:method:: create(stub) Create an air material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: Liner(mass_density=8.96, shear_modulus=0.46, youngs_modulus=0, poissons_ratio=0.34, constants=[0.0009, 0.00292, 0.31, 0.025, 1.09], melt_temperature=1356, room_temperature=293, strain_rate=1e-06, specific_heat=3.83e-06, tensile_failure_stress=-0.012, spall_type=2, iteration_option=0, failure_parameters=[0.54, 4.89, 3.03, 0.014, 1.12], equation_constants=[0.394, 1.489, 0, 0, 2.02], volume_correction_coefficient=0.47, initial_internal_energy=0) Defines a liner material. :Parameters: **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``8.96``. **shear_modulus** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **youngs_modulus** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **poissons_ratio** : :class:`python:float` :obj:`optional` .. **constants** : :class:`python:list`, :obj:`optional` .. **melt_temperature** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` .. **room_temperature** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` .. **strain_rate** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **specific_heat** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **tensile_failure_stress** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **spall_type, int, optional** .. **iteration_option ; int, optional** .. **failure_parameters** : :class:`python:list`, :obj:`optional` .. **equation_constants, list, optional** .. **volume_correction_coefficient** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **initial_internal_energy** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Initial internal energy per unit reference volume. The default is ``0``. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: mass_density .. py:attribute:: shear_modulus .. py:attribute:: youngs_modulus .. py:attribute:: poissons_ratio .. py:attribute:: constants .. py:attribute:: melt_temperature .. py:attribute:: room_temperature .. py:attribute:: strain_rate .. py:attribute:: specific_heat .. py:attribute:: tensile_failure_stress .. py:attribute:: spall_type .. py:attribute:: iteration_option .. py:attribute:: failure_parameters .. py:attribute:: equation_constants .. py:attribute:: volume_correction_coefficient .. py:attribute:: initial_internal_energy .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a liner material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: HighExplosive(mass_density=1.835, detonation_velocity=0.88, chapman_jouget_pressure=0.37, jwl_equation_parameters=[8.261, 0.1724, 4.55, 1.32, 0.38, 0.102, 1.0]) Defines a high-explosive material. :Parameters: **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``8.96``. **detonation_velocity** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **chapman_jouget_pressure** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` .. **jwl_equation_parameters** : :class:`python:list`, :obj:`optional` .. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: mass_density .. py:attribute:: detonation_velocity .. py:attribute:: chapman_jouget_pressure .. py:attribute:: jwl_equation_parameters .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a high-explosive material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: Vacuum(estimated_material_density=1e-09) Defines a vacuum material. :Parameters: **estimated_material_density** : :class:`python:float` Estimated material density. The default is ``1e-09``. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: estimated_material_density .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a null material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatNull(mass_density=0, pressure_cutoff=0) Defines a null material. Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are used to set the contact stiffness. :Parameters: **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``0``. **pressure_cutoff** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: pc .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a null material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: EMEOSTabulated1(curve=None) Defines electrical conductivity or permeability. :Parameters: **curve** : :obj:`Curve` .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: curve .. py:method:: create(stub) Create an EM EOS tabulated1. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: EMMATTYPE Bases: :py:obj:`ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynabase.Enum` Generic enumeration. Derive from this class to define new enumerations. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: AIR_OR_VACUUM :value: 0 .. py:attribute:: INSULATOR :value: 1 .. py:attribute:: CONDUCTOR :value: 2 .. py:class:: MatAdditional Defines additional properties for a material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: em :value: False .. py:attribute:: em_mat_type :value: 0 .. py:attribute:: em_eos :value: None .. py:attribute:: thermal_isotropic :value: False .. py:method:: set_electromagnetic_property(material_type=EMMATTYPE.CONDUCTOR, initial_conductivity=0, eos=None) Define the electromagnetic material type and properties for a material whose permeability equals the free space permeability. :Parameters: **material_type** .. **initial_conductivity** .. **eos** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: set_em_permeability_equal(material_type=EMMATTYPE.CONDUCTOR, initial_conductivity=0, eos=None) Define the electromagnetic material type and properties for a material whose permeability equals the free space permeability. :Parameters: **material_type** .. **initial_conductivity** .. **eos** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: set_em_permeability_different(material_type=EMMATTYPE.CONDUCTOR, initial_conductivity=0, eos=None, murel=0) Define the electromagnetic material type and properties for a material whose permeability equals the free space permeability. :Parameters: **material_type** .. **initial_conductivity** .. **eos** .. **murel** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: set_em_conducting_shells_3d(material_type=EMMATTYPE.CONDUCTOR, initial_conductivity=0) Define the electromagnetic material type and properties for a material whose permeability equals the free space permeability. :Parameters: **material_type** .. **initial_conductivity** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: set_em_resistive_heating_2d(material_type=EMMATTYPE.CONDUCTOR, initial_conductivity=0) Define the electromagnetic material type and properties for a material whose permeability equals the free space permeability. :Parameters: **material_type** .. **initial_conductivity** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: set_em_randles_batmac(positive_current_collector_conductivity=0, negative_current_collector_conductivity=0) Define two conductivities per EM node for special applications (Randles Batmac). :Parameters: **positive_current_collector_conductivity** : :class:`python:float` conductivities of the positive current collector materials **negative_current_collector_conductivity** : :class:`python:float` conductivities of the negative current collector materials .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: set_thermal_isotropic(density=0, generation_rate=0, generation_rate_multiplier=0, specific_heat=0, conductivity=0) Define isotropic thermal properties. :Parameters: **density** .. **generation_rate** .. **generation_rate_multiplier** .. **specific_heat** .. **conductivity** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: create(stub, matid) Define additional properties for a material. :Parameters: **matid** Material ID. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatElastic(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3) Bases: :py:obj:`MatAdditional` Defines an isotropic hypoelastic material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:method:: create(stub) Create an elastic material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatPlasticKinematic(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3, yield_stress=0, tangent_modulus=0, hardening=0) Define material of modelling isotropic and kinematic hardening plasticity. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: sigy .. py:attribute:: etan .. py:attribute:: beta .. py:method:: create(stub) Create plastic kinematic material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatElasticPlasticThermal(mass_density=0, temperatures=None, young_modulus=None, poisson_ratio=None, thermal_expansion=None, yield_stress=None) Bases: :py:obj:`MatAdditional` Defines temperature-dependent material coefficients. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: ti .. py:attribute:: ei .. py:attribute:: pri .. py:attribute:: alphai .. py:attribute:: sigyi .. py:method:: create(stub) Create elastic plastic thermal material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatRigid(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3, center_of_mass_constraint=0, translational_constraint=0, rotational_constraint=0) Bases: :py:obj:`MatAdditional` Defines a rigid material. Parts made from a rigid material are considered to belong to a rigid body. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: cmo .. py:attribute:: con1 .. py:attribute:: con2 .. py:method:: create(stub) Create rigid material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatShapeMemory(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3, effective_stress=None, forward_phase_transformation_start=None, forward_phase_transformation_final=None, reverse_phase_transformation_start=None, reverse_phase_transformation_final=None, recoverable_strain=0) Describe the superelastic response present in shape-memory alloys, the peculiar material ability to undergo large deformations with a full recovery in loading-unloading cycles. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: lcss .. py:attribute:: params .. py:method:: create(stub) Create shape memory material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatCrushableFoam(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3, yield_stress_curve=None, tensile_stress_cutoff=0) Bases: :py:obj:`MatAdditional` Define material of modelling crushable foam. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: lcid .. py:attribute:: tsl .. py:method:: create(stub) Create crushable foam material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatOgdenRubber(mass_density=0, poisson_ratio=0.3, limit_stress=0, shear_modulus=None, exponent=None) Provides the Ogden rubber model. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: sigf .. py:attribute:: mu .. py:attribute:: alpha .. py:method:: create(stub) Create ogden rubber material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatThermalIsotropic(density=0, generation_rate=0, generation_rate_multiplier=0, specific_heat=0, conductivity=0) Defines isotropic thermal properties. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: tro .. py:attribute:: tgrlc .. py:attribute:: tgmult .. py:attribute:: hc .. py:attribute:: tc .. py:method:: create(stub) Create isotropic thermal material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatThermalOrthotropic(specific_heat=0, conductivity_x=0, conductivity_y=0, conductivity_z=0) Defines orthotropic thermal properties. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: hc .. py:attribute:: k1 .. py:attribute:: k2 .. py:attribute:: k3 .. py:method:: create(stub) Create orthotropic thermal material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatRigidDiscrete(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3) Defines a rigid material for shells or solids. :Parameters: **mass_density** .. **young_modulus** .. **poisson_ratio** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a rigid material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatPiecewiseLinearPlasticity(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0.3, yield_stress=0, tangent_modulus=0) Defines an elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress. The arbitrary stress is defined as a function of strain curve that can also have an arbitrary strain rate dependency. :Parameters: **mass_density** .. **young_modulus** .. **poisson_ratio** .. **yield_stress** .. **tangent_modulus** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: sigy .. py:attribute:: etan .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a piecewise linear plasticity material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatModifiedPiecewiseLinearPlasticity(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0, yield_stress=0, tangent_modulus=0, plastic_strain_to_failure=0, integration_points_number=0) Defines an elasto-plastic material supporting an arbitrary stress. The arbitrary stress is defined as a function of strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency. :Parameters: **mass_density** .. **young_modulus** .. **poisson_ratio** .. **yield_stress** .. **tangent_modulus** .. **plastic_strain_to_failure** .. **integration_points_number** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: sigy .. py:attribute:: etan .. py:attribute:: fail .. py:attribute:: numint .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a modified piecewise linear plasticity. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatSpotweld(mass_density=0, young_modulus=0, poisson_ratio=0, yield_stress=0, plastic_hardening_modulus=0, axial_force_resultant_at_failure=0, force_resultant_nrs_at_failure=0, force_resultant_nrt_at_failure=0) Defines a spotweld material. :Parameters: **mass_density** .. **young_modulus** .. **poisson_ratio** .. **yield_stress** .. **plastic_hardening_modulus** .. **axial_force_resultant_at_failure** .. **force_resultant_nrs_at_failure** .. **force_resultant_nrt_at_failure** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: e .. py:attribute:: pr .. py:attribute:: sigy .. py:attribute:: eh .. py:attribute:: nrr .. py:attribute:: nrs .. py:attribute:: nrt .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a spotweld material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatFabric(mass_density=0, young_modulus_longitudinal_direction=0, young_modulus_transverse_direction=0, minor_poisson_ratio=0.35, major_poisson_ratio=0.35, shear_modulus=0) Define an airbag material. :Parameters: **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``0``. **young_modulus_longitudinal_direction** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Young's modulus-longitudinal direction. The default is ``0``. **young_modulus_transverse_direction** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Young's modulus-transverse direction. The default is ``0``. **minor_poisson_ratio** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Minor Poisson's ratio ba direction. The default is ``0.35``. **major_poisson_ratio** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Major Poisson's ratio ab direction. The default is ``0.35``. **shear_modulus** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Shear modulus in the ab direction. The default is ``0``. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: ea .. py:attribute:: eb .. py:attribute:: prba .. py:attribute:: prab .. py:attribute:: gab .. py:method:: create(stub) Create an airbag material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatSpringNonlinearElastic(curve) Provides a nonlinear elastic translational and rotational spring with an arbitrary force. The arbitrary force is defined as a function of displacement. The moment is defined as a function of rotation. :Parameters: **curve** : :obj:`Curve` Load curve describing force as a function of displacement or moment as a function of rotation relationship. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: curve .. py:method:: create(stub) Create material spring nonlinear elastic. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatDamperViscous(damping_constant=0) Provides a linear translational or rotational damper located between two nodes. :Parameters: **damping_constant** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: dc .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a material damper viscous. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatDamperNonlinearViscous(curve) Provides a viscous translational damper with an arbitrary force. The arbitrary force is defined as a function of velocity dependency or a rotational damper with an arbitrary moment as a function of rotational velocity dependency. :Parameters: **curve** : :obj:`Curve` Load curve defining force as a function of rate-of-displacement relationship or a moment as a function of rate-of-rotation relationship. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: curve .. py:method:: create(stub) Create a material damper nonlinear viscous. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatSPHIncompressibleFluid(mass_density=0, dynamic_viscosity=0, tension_coefficient1=0, tension_coefficient2=0) Defines an ISPH (incompressible smooth particle hyrodynamics) fluid material. :Parameters: **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``0``. **dynamic_viscosity** .. **tension_coefficient1** .. **tension_coefficient2** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: mu .. py:attribute:: gamma1 .. py:attribute:: gamma2 .. py:method:: create(stub) Create an ISPH fluid material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: MatSPHIncompressibleStructure(mass_density=0, adhesion_coefficient=0, roughness_coefficient=0, adhesion_scaling_coefficient=0) Defines an ISPH structure material. :Parameters: **mass_density** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Mass density. The default is ``0``. **adhension_coefficient** .. **roughness_coefficient** .. **adhesion_scaling_coefficient** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: ro .. py:attribute:: beta .. py:attribute:: rough .. py:attribute:: adh .. py:method:: create(stub) Create an ISPH structure material. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!