ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher =============================== .. py:module:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module for launching the pydyna solver service locally. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.LOCALHOST ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.DYNA_DEFAULT_PORT ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.SERVER_SOLVER_VERSION ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.ServerThread Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.check_ports ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.port_in_use ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.launch_grpc ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.launch_remote_dyna ansys.dyna.core.solver.launcher.launch_dyna Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: LOCALHOST :value: '' .. py:data:: DYNA_DEFAULT_PORT :value: 5000 .. py:data:: SERVER_SOLVER_VERSION :value: 'v0.4.12' .. py:data:: MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH .. py:function:: check_ports(port_range, ip='localhost') Check the state of ports in a port range. :Parameters: **port_range** .. **ip** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` IP address. The default is ``"localhost"``, in which case ``""``is used. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: port_in_use(port, host=LOCALHOST) Determine if a port is in use at a given host. :Parameters: **port** : :class:`python:int` Port. **host** Host. The default is ``LOCALHOST``, in which case ``""`` is used. :Returns: ``True`` :obj:`when` :obj:`a` :obj:`port` :obj:`is` :obj:`in` :obj:`use` :obj:`at` :obj:`the` :obj:`given` :obj:`host`, ``False`` otherwise. .. .. rubric:: Notes The port must "bind" the address. Just checking if a socket can be created is insufficient because it is possible to run into permission errors like this one: "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions." .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: launch_grpc(port=DYNA_DEFAULT_PORT, ip=LOCALHOST, server_path='') -> tuple Launch the solver service locally in gRPC mode. :Parameters: **port** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Port to launch the solver service on. The default is ``DYNAPRE_DEFAULT_PORT``. The final port is the first port available after (or including) this port. **ip** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` IP address. The default is ``LOCALHOST``, in which case ``""`` is used. **server_path** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` Path to the solver service. The default is ``None``. :Returns: :class:`python:int` Port number that the gRPC instance started on. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: launch_remote_dyna(version=None, cleanup_on_exit=True) -> ansys.dyna.core.solver.DynaSolver Start DYNA remotely using the product instance management API. When calling this method, you need to ensure that you are in an environment where PyPIM is configured. This can be verified with :func:`pypim.is_configured `. :Parameters: **version** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` The DYNA version to run, in the 3 digits format, such as "212". If unspecified, the version will be chosen by the server. **cleanup_on_exit** : :ref:`bool `, :obj:`optional` Exit DYNA when python exits or the dyna Python instance is garbage collected. If unspecified, it will be cleaned up. :Returns: :obj:`ansys.dyna.core.solver.DynaSolver` An instance of DynaSolver. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: launch_dyna(port=None, ip=None) -> ansys.dyna.core.solver.DynaSolver Start DYNA locally. :Parameters: **port** : :class:`python:int` Port to launch DYNA gRPC on. Final port will be the first port available after (or including) this port. Defaults to 5000. **ip** : :ref:`bool `, :obj:`optional` You can provide a hostname as an alternative to an IP address. Defaults to ``''``. .. rubric:: Examples Launch DYNA using the best protocol. >>> from ansys.dyna.core.solver import launch_dyna >>> solution = launch_dyna() Connect to an existing instance of DYNA at IP and port 5000. >>> solution = launch_dyna(ip='',port=5000) .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: ServerThread(threadID, port, ip, server_path) Provides server thread properties. :Parameters: **threadID** .. **port** .. **ip** .. **server_path** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: threadID .. py:attribute:: port .. py:attribute:: ip .. py:attribute:: server_path .. py:attribute:: process :value: None .. py:method:: run() .. py:method:: termination()