

get_nid_to_index_mapping(→ Dict)

Given a node id, output the node index as a dict

merge_keywords(→ Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, Dict])

Merge mesh keywords.


shell_facet_array(→ numpy.array)

Get the shell facet array from the DataFrame.


Get the solid array from the DataFrame.

line_array(→ numpy.array)

Convert DataFrame to lines array.

map_facet_nid_to_index(→ numpy.array)

Convert mapping to numpy array.

extract_shell_facets(shells, mapping)

Extract shell faces from DataFrame.

extract_lines(→ numpy.ndarray)

Extract lines from DataFrame.

extract_solids(solids, mapping)


get_polydata(deck[, cwd])

Create the PolyData Object for plotting from a given deck with nodes and elements.

plot_deck(deck, **args)

Plot the deck.

Module Contents#

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.get_nid_to_index_mapping(nodes) Dict[source]#

Given a node id, output the node index as a dict

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.merge_keywords(deck: ansys.dyna.core.Deck) Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, Dict][source]#

Merge mesh keywords.

Given a deck, merges specific keywords (NODE, ELEMENT_SHELL, ELEMENT_BEAM, ELEMENT_SOLID) and returns tham as data frames.

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.shell_facet_array(facets: pandas.DataFrame) numpy.array[source]#

Get the shell facet array from the DataFrame.

Facets are a pandas frame that is a sequence of integers or NAs with max length of 8. valid rows contain 3,4,6, or 8 items consecutive from the left. we don’t plot quadratic edges so 6/8 collapse to 3/4 invalid rows are ignored, meaning they return an empty array return an array of length 4 or 5 using the pyvista spec for facets which includes a length prefix [1,2,3]=>[3,1,2,3] [1,2,3,0]=>[3,1,2,3] [1,2,3,NA]=>[3,1,2,3]

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.solid_array(solids: pandas.DataFrame)[source]#

Get the solid array from the DataFrame.

Solids are a pandas frame that is a sequence of integers or NAs with max length of 28. valid rows contain 3, 4, 6, or 8 items consecutive from the left. We don’t plot quadratic edges so 6/8 collapse to 3/4 invalid rows are ignored, meaning they return an empty array return an array of length 4 or 5 using the pyvista spec for facets which includes a length prefix [1,2,3]=>[3,1,2,3] [1,2,3,0]=>[3,1,2,3] [1,2,3,NA]=>[3,1,2,3]

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.line_array(lines: pandas.DataFrame) numpy.array[source]#

Convert DataFrame to lines array.

lines is a pandas frame that is a sequence of integers or NAs with max length of 2. valid rows contain 2 items consecutive from the left. invalid rows are ignored, meaning they return an empty array return an array of length 3 using the pyvista spec for facets which includes a length prefix [1,2,]=>[2,1,2] [1,2,3,0]=>[] [1,2,3,NA]=>[]

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.map_facet_nid_to_index(flat_facets: numpy.array, mapping: Dict) numpy.array[source]#

Convert mapping to numpy array.

Given a flat list of facets or lines, use the mapping from nid to python index to output the numbering system for pyvista from the numbering from dyna

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.extract_shell_facets(shells: pandas.DataFrame, mapping)[source]#

Extract shell faces from DataFrame.

Shells table comes in with the form | eid | nid1 | nid2 | nid3 | nid4 | 1 | 10 | 11 | 12 | | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24

but the array needed for pyvista polydata is of the form where each element is prefixed by the length of the element node list [3,10,11,12,4,21,22,23,24]

Take individual rows, extract the appropriate nid’s and output a flat list of facets for pyvista

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.extract_lines(beams: pandas.DataFrame, mapping: Dict[int, int]) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Extract lines from DataFrame.

Beams table comes in with the form with extra information not supported, | eid | nid1 | nid2 | 1 | 10 | 11 | 20 | 21 | 22

we only care about nid 1 and 2

but the array needed for pyvista polydata is the same as in extract facets of the form where each element is prefixed by the length of the element node list [2,10,11,2,21,22]

Take individual rows, extract the appropriate nid’s and output a flat list of facets for pyvista

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.extract_solids(solids: pandas.DataFrame, mapping: Dict[int, int])[source]#
ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.get_polydata(deck: ansys.dyna.core.Deck, cwd=None)[source]#

Create the PolyData Object for plotting from a given deck with nodes and elements.

ansys.dyna.core.lib.deck_plotter.plot_deck(deck, **args)[source]#

Plot the deck.