Source code for ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynabase


Module for creating a DYNA input deck.

from enum import Enum
import logging

# from subprocess import DETACHED_PROCESS
from typing import List

from ansys.api.dyna.v0.kwprocess_pb2 import *  # noqa : F403
from ansys.api.dyna.v0.kwprocess_pb2_grpc import *  # noqa : F403

# from .kwprocess_pb2 import *
# from .kwprocess_pb2_grpc import *

[docs] class Motion(Enum):
[docs] VELOCITY = 0
[docs] class RWMotion(Enum):
[docs] VELOCITY = 0
[docs] class DOF(Enum):
[docs] X_ROTATIONAL = 5
[docs] Y_ROTATIONAL = 6
[docs] Z_ROTATIONAL = 7
[docs] class Switch(Enum):
[docs] OFF = 0
[docs] ON = 1
[docs] class InvariantNode(Enum):
[docs] OFF = 1
[docs] ON_FOR_SOLID = 3
[docs] class EnergyFlag(Enum):
[docs] NOT_COMPUTED = 1
[docs] COMPUTED = 2
[docs] class HourglassControl(Enum):
[docs] class BulkViscosity(Enum):
[docs] class CaseType(Enum):
[docs] STRUCTURE = 1
[docs] ICFD = 2
[docs] SALE = 3
[docs] EM = 4
[docs] IGA = 5
# set_output() argument
[docs] class OutputEcho(Enum):
from .dynamaterial import MatAdditional from .dynasolution import DynaSolution # noqa : F403
[docs] class Box: """Defines a box-shaped volume.""" def __init__(self, xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, zmin=0, zmax=0):
[docs] self.xmin = xmin
[docs] self.xmax = xmax
[docs] self.ymin = ymin
[docs] self.ymax = ymax
[docs] self.zmin = zmin
[docs] self.zmax = zmax
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create box.""" ret = stub.CreateDefineBox( DefineBoxRequest( xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, zmin=self.zmin, zmax=self.zmax, ) ) = ret.boxid"Box {} defined...") return
[docs] class Curve: """ Defines a curve as a function of time. For example, ``load (ordinate value)``. """ def __init__(self, sfo=1, x=[], y=[], func=None, title=""):
[docs] self.sfo = sfo
[docs] self.abscissa = x
[docs] self.ordinate = y
[docs] self.func = func
[docs] self.title = title
[docs] def create(self, stub=None): """Create a curve.""" if stub is None: stub = DynaBase.get_stub() if self.func != None: ret = stub.CreateDefineCurveFunction(DefineCurveFunctionRequest(function=self.func, title=self.title)) else: ret = stub.CreateDefineCurve( DefineCurveRequest(sfo=self.sfo, abscissa=self.abscissa, ordinate=self.ordinate, title=self.title) ) ="Curve {} defined...") return
[docs] class Function: """Defines a function that can be referenced by a limited number of keyword options.""" def __init__(self, Function=None):
[docs] self.function = Function
[docs] self.tabulated = False
[docs] def set_tabulated(self, heading="", function="", x=[], y=[]): self.tabulated = True self.heading = heading self.function_name = function self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create function.""" if self.tabulated: ret = stub.CreateDefineFunctionTabulated( DefineFunctionTabulatedRequest( heading=self.heading, function=self.function_name, abscissa=self.x, ordinate=self.y ) ) ret = stub.CreateDefineFunction(DefineFunctionRequest(function=self.function)) ="Function {} defined...") return
[docs] class Table2D: """Define a table,a curve ID is specified for each value defined in the table.""" def __init__(self, title=""):
[docs] self.title = title
[docs] self.valuecurvelist = []
[docs] def append(self, value=0, curve=None): self.valuecurvelist.append((value, curve))
[docs] def create(self, stub=None): """Create Table2D.""" if stub is None: stub = DynaBase.get_stub() vls = [] cvs = [] for obj in self.valuecurvelist: vls.append(obj[0]) cid = obj[1].create(stub) cvs.append(cid) ret = stub.CreateDefineTable2D(DefineTable2DRequest(title=self.title, values=vls, cids=cvs)) ="Table2D {} defined...") return
[docs] class Point: """Defines a point.""" def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
[docs] self.x = x
[docs] self.y = y
[docs] self.z = z
[docs] class Direction: """Defines a direction.""" def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
[docs] self.x = x
[docs] self.y = y
[docs] self.z = z
[docs] class Transform: """Defines a transformation.""" def __init__(self, option=None, param1=0, param2=0, param3=0, param4=0, param5=0, param6=0, param7=0):
[docs] param = [option, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7]
[docs] self.paramlist = []
[docs] def add_transform(self, option=None, param1=0, param2=0, param3=0, param4=0, param5=0, param6=0, param7=0): """Defines a transformation matrix.""" param = [option, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7] self.paramlist.append(param)
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create a transformation.""" options = [] params = [] for obj in self.paramlist: options.append(obj[0]) for i in range(1, 8): params.append(obj[i]) ret = stub.CreateDefineTransformation(DefineTransformationRequest(option=options, param=params)) ="Transformation {} defined...") return
[docs] class Velocity: """Defines a translational velocity.""" def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
[docs] self.x = x
[docs] self.y = y
[docs] self.z = z
[docs] class RotVelocity: """Defines a rotational velocity.""" def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
[docs] self.x = x
[docs] self.y = y
[docs] self.z = z
[docs] class BaseObj: """Define the base object.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.type = ""
[docs] self.subtype = ""
[docs] def get_data(self) -> List: """Get the data of the object.""" return None
[docs] class ParameterType(Enum): """Contains the parameter types."""
[docs] R = 1
[docs] I = 2
[docs] C = 3
[docs] class DynaBase: """Contains methods for creating a general LS-DYNA keyword.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.stub = DynaSolution.get_stub()
[docs] self.mainname = ""
DynaBase.stub = self.stub
[docs] self.implicitanalysis = ImplicitAnalysis(initial_timestep_size=0.1)
[docs] = Parts()
[docs] self.boundaryconditions = BoundaryCondition()
[docs] self.initialconditions = InitialCondition()
[docs] self.constraints = Constraint()
[docs] self.contacts = ContactGroup()
[docs] self.entities = []
[docs] self.have_accuracy = False
[docs] self.have_energy = False
[docs] self.have_hourglass = False
[docs] self.have_bulk_viscosity = False
[docs] self.have_control_shell = False
# add for drawing entity self._parent: DynaSolution = None
[docs] self.init_velocity: List = None
[docs] self.bdy_spc: List = None
[docs] def get_stub(): """Get the stub of the ``DynaBase`` object.""" return DynaBase.stub
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent=None): self._parent = parent model = self._parent.model self.boundaryconditions.assign_model(model) self.initialconditions.assign_model(model)
[docs] def set_timestep(self, tssfac=0.9, isdo=0, timestep_size_for_mass_scaled=0.0, max_timestep=None): """Set the structural time step size control using different options. Parameters ---------- tssfac : float, optional Scale factor for computed time step. The default is ``0.9``. isdo : int, optional Basis of the time size calculation for four-node shell elements. The default is ``0``. timestep_size_for_mass_scaled : float, optional Time step size for mass scaled solutions. The default is ``0.0``. max_timestep : Curve, optional Load curve that limits the maximum time step size. The default is ``None``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ if max_timestep == None: cid = 0 else: cid = max_timestep.create(self.stub) ret = self.stub.CreateTimestep( TimestepRequest(tssfac=tssfac, isdo=isdo, dt2ms=timestep_size_for_mass_scaled, lctm=cid) )"Timestep Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_accuracy( self, objective_stress_updates=Switch.OFF, invariant_node_number=InvariantNode.OFF, partsetid_for_objective_stress_updates=0, implicit_accuracy_flag=Switch.OFF, explicit_accuracy_flag=Switch.OFF, ): """Define control parameters that can improve the accuracy of the calculation. Parameters ---------- objective_stress_updates : int Global flag for 2nd order objective stress updates. invariant_node_number : int Invariant node numbering for shell and solid elements. partsetid_for_objective_stress_updates : int, optional Part set ID for objective stress updates. The default is ``0``. implicit_accuracy_flag : int Implicit accuracy flag. explicit_accuracy_flag : float Explicit accuracy parameter. - EQ.0.0: Off - GT.0.0: On Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = True if not self.have_accuracy: ret = self.stub.CreateControlAccuracy( ControlAccuracyRequest( osu=objective_stress_updates.value, inn=invariant_node_number.value, pidosu=partsetid_for_objective_stress_updates, iacc=implicit_accuracy_flag.value, exacc=explicit_accuracy_flag.value, ) ) self.have_accuracy = True"Control Accuracy Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_energy( self, hourglass_energy=EnergyFlag.NOT_COMPUTED, rigidwall_energy=EnergyFlag.COMPUTED, sliding_interface_energy=EnergyFlag.NOT_COMPUTED, rayleigh_energy=EnergyFlag.NOT_COMPUTED, initial_reference_geometry_energy=EnergyFlag.COMPUTED, ): """Provide controls for energy dissipation options. Parameters ---------- hourglass_energy : enum Hourglass energy calculation option. rigidwall_energy : int Rigidwall energy dissipation option. - EQ.1: Energy dissipation is not computed. - EQ.2: Energy dissipation is computed. sliding_interface_energy : int Sliding interface energy dissipation option. - EQ.1: Energy dissipation is not computed. - EQ.2: Energy dissipation is computed. rayleigh_energy : int Rayleigh energy dissipation option. - EQ.1: Energy dissipation is not computed. - EQ.2: Energy dissipation is computed. initial_reference_geometry_energy : int Initial reference geometry energy option. - EQ.1: Initial reference geometry energy is not computed. - EQ.2: Initial reference geometry energy is computed. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = True if not self.have_energy: ret = self.stub.CreateControlEnergy( ControlEnergyRequest( hgen=hourglass_energy.value, rwen=rigidwall_energy.value, slnten=sliding_interface_energy.value, rylen=rayleigh_energy.value, irgen=initial_reference_geometry_energy.value, ) ) self.have_energy = True"Control Energy Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_output( self, print_suppression_d3hsp=False, print_suppression_echo=OutputEcho.ALL_DATA_PRINTED, ): """Set miscellaneous output parameters. Parameters ---------- print_suppression_d3hsp : bool, optional Whether to suppress printing during the input phase flag for the D3HSP file. The default is ``True``, which means that none of these are printed: nodal coordinates, element connectivities, rigid wall definitions, nodal SPCs, initial velocities, initial strains, adaptive constraints, and SPR2/SPR3 constraints. If ``False``, no suppression occurs. print_suppression_echo : OutputEcho Print suppression setting during the input phase flag for the echo file. Options are: - ALL_DATA_PRINTED: All data is printed. - SUPPRESSED_NODAL_PRINTING: Nodal printing is suppressed. - SUPPRESSED_ELEMENT_PRINTING: Element printing is suppressed. - SUPPRESSED_NODAL_AND_ELEMENT_PRINTING : Both nodal and element printing is suppressed. """ if print_suppression_d3hsp: npopt = 1 else: npopt = 0 ret = self.stub.CreateControlOutput( ControlOutputRequest( npopt=npopt, neecho=print_suppression_echo.value, ) )"Control Output Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_hourglass(self, controltype=HourglassControl.STANDARD_VISCOSITY_FORM, coefficient=0.1): """Redefine the default values for the hourglass control type and coefficient. Parameters ---------- controltype : enum Default hourglass control type. coefficient : float, optional Default hourglass coefficient. The default is ``0.``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = True if not self.have_hourglass: ret = self.stub.CreateControlHourgalss(ControlHourglassRequest(ihq=controltype.value, qh=coefficient)) self.have_hourglass = True"Control Hourglass Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_bulk_viscosity( self, quadratic_viscosity_coeff=1.5, linear_viscosity_coeff=0.06, bulk_viscosity_type=BulkViscosity.STANDARD_BULK_VISCOSITY, ): """Reset the default values of the bulk viscosity coefficients globally. Parameters ---------- quadratic_viscosity_coeff : float, optional Default quadratic viscosity coefficient. The default is ``1.5``. linear_viscosity_coeff : float, optional Default linear viscosity coefficient. The default is ``0.06``. bulk_viscosity_type : enum Default bulk viscosity type. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = True if not self.have_bulk_viscosity: ret = self.stub.CreateControlBulkViscosity( ControlBulkViscosityRequest( q1=quadratic_viscosity_coeff, q2=linear_viscosity_coeff, type=bulk_viscosity_type.value, ) ) self.have_bulk_viscosity = True"Control Bulk Viscosity Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_init_temperature(self, temp=0): """Define initial nodal point temperatures on all nodes. Parameters ---------- temp : float, optional Temperature at node. The default is ``0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateInitTemperature(InitTemperatureRequest(option="SET", nsid=0, temp=temp))"Initial Temperature Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_control_shell( self, wrpang=20, esort=0, irnxx=-1, istupd=0, theory=2, bwc=2, miter=1, proj=0, irquad=0, ): """Provide controls for computing shell response. Parameters ---------- wrpang : int, optional Shell element warpage angle in degrees. The default is ``20``. esort : int Sorting of triangular shell elements to automatically switch degenerate quadrilateral shell formulations to more suitable triangular shell formulations. The default is ``0``. irnxx : int, optional Shell normal update option. The default is ``1``. istupd : int, optional Shell thickness change option for deformable shells. The default is ``0``. theory : int, optional Default shell formulation. The default is ``2``. bwc : int, optional Warping stiffness for Belytschko-Tsay shells. The default is ``2``. miter : int, optional Plane stress plasticity option. The default is ``1``. proj : int, optional Projection method for the warping stiffness in the Belytschko-Tsay shell and the Belytschko-Wong-Chiang elements. The default is ``0``. irquad : int, optional In-plane integration rule for the eight-node quadratic shell element. The default is ``0``. - EQ.2: 2*2 Gauss quadrature - EQ.3: 3*3 Gauss quadrature Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = True if not self.have_control_shell: ret = self.stub.CreateControlShell( ControlShellRequest( wrpang=wrpang, esort=esort, irnxx=irnxx, istupd=istupd, theory=theory, bwc=bwc, miter=miter, proj=proj, irquad=irquad, ) ) self.have_control_shell = True"Control Shell Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_control_solid( self, esort=0, fmatrx=0, niptets=4, swlocl=1, psfail=0, t10jtol=0.0, icoh=0, tet13k=0, ): """Provide controls for a solid element response. Parameters ---------- esort : int, optional Automatic sorting of tetrahedral and pentahedral elements to avoid use of degenerate formulations for these shapes. The default is ``0``. - EQ.0: No sorting - EQ.1: Sort fmatrx : int, optional Method to use in the calculation of the deformation gradient matrix. The default is ``1``. niptets : int, optional Number of integration points used in the quadratic tetrahedron elements. The default is ``4``. swlocl : int, optional Output option for stresses in solid elements used as spot welds with material ``\*MAT_SPOTWELD``. The default is ``1``. psfail : int, optional Solid element erosion from negative volume is limited only to solid elements in the part set indicated by PSFAIL. The default is ``0``. t10jtol : float, optional Tolerance for Jacobian in four-point, 10-noded quadratic tetrahedra. The default is ``0.0``. icoh : int, optional Breaking LS-DYNA convention ICOH is interpreted digit-wise. The default is ``0``. tet13k : int, optional Flag for whether to invoke a consistent tangent stiffness matrix for the pressure averaged tetrahedron. The default is ``0``, in which case this matrix is not invoked. If this parameter is set to ``1``, this matrix is invoked. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateControlSolid( ControlSolidRequest( esort=esort, fmatrx=fmatrx, niptets=niptets, swlocl=swlocl, psfail=psfail, t10jtol=t10jtol, icoh=icoh, tet13k=tet13k, ) )"Control Solid Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_control_contact(self, rwpnal, shlthk=0, orien=1, ssthk=0, ignore=0, igactc=0): """Change defaults for computation with contact surfaces. Parameters ---------- rwpnal : float Scale factor for rigid wall penalties, which treat nodal points interacting with rigid walls. shlthk : int, optional Flag for whether to consider shell thickness offsets in non-automatic surface-to-surface and non-automatic nodes-to-surface type contacts. The default is ``0``, in which case these offsets are not considered. If this parameter is set to ``1``, these offsets are considered. orien : int, optional Flag for whether to automatically reorient contact interface segments during initialization. The default is ``1``, in which case reorientation automatically occurs. If this parameter is set to ``0``, reorientation does not occur. ssthk : int, optional Flag for whether to determine default contact thickness for shells in single surface contact types. The default is ``0``, in which case default contact thickness is not determined. If this parameter is set to ``1``, default contact thickness is determined. ignore : int, optional Flag for whether to ignore initial penetrations in the ``\*CONTACT_AUTOMATIC`` options. The default is ``0``, in which case initial penetrations are ignored. If this parameter is set to ``1``, initial penetrations are not ignored. igactc : int, optional Flag for whether to use isogeometric shells for contact detection when the contact involves isogeometric shells. The default is ``0``, which means isogeometric shells are not used. If this parameter is set to ``1``, isogeometric shells are used. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateControlContact( ControlContactRequest( rwpnal=rwpnal, shlthk=shlthk, orien=orien, ssthk=ssthk, ignore=ignore, igactc=igactc, ) )"Control Contact Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_damping_global(self, lcid=0, valdmp=0.0): """Define mass-weighted nodal damping. Mass-weighted nodal damping applies globally to the nodes of deformable bodies and to the mass center of rigid bodies. Parameters ---------- lcid : int, optional Load curve ID, which specifies the system damping constant versus the time. The default is ``0``. valdmp : float, optional System damping constant. The default is ``0.0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateDampingGlobal(DampingGlobalRequest(lcid=lcid, valdmp=valdmp))"Damping global Created...") return ret
[docs] def get_solid_elements(self): """Get solid elements. Returns ------- list list[0],solid element connectivity,list[0] = [[n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8],[...],...] list[1],node coordinates,list[1] = [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...] """ cons = self.stub.GetSolidElements(GetSolidElementsRequest()) nodes = self.stub.GetNodes(GetNodesRequest()) num = 8 lscons = cons.nodeids elist = [lscons[i : i + num] for i in range(0, len(lscons), num)] numconn = 3 lsnodes = nodes.coords nlist = [lsnodes[i : i + numconn] for i in range(0, len(lsnodes), numconn)] elements = [elist, nlist] return elements
[docs] def create_general_keyword(self, opcode, keyworddata): """Create general keyword. Parameters ---------- opcode : string Keyword card name. keyworddata : string Keyword data. Examples -------- Create a ``\*INITIAL_VELOCITY`` keyword. \$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ \*INITIAL_VELOCITY & vx vy vz vxr vyr vzr 1.480E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 \$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ opcode = "INITIAL_VELOCITY" keyworddata = "0\n1.480E+01,0.000E+00,0.000E+00,0.000E+00,0.000E+00,0.000E+00" create_general_keyword(opcode = opcode,keyworddata=keyworddata) """ ret = self.stub.CreateGeneralKWD(GeneralKWDRequest(opcode=opcode, keyworddata=keyworddata)) msg = opcode + " Created...""msg") return ret
[docs] def add(self, obj): """Add entities to an object.""" if obj.type == "rigidwall_cylinder" or obj.type == "rigidwall_sphere" or obj.type == "rigidwall_planar": data = obj.get_data() if data != None: model = self._parent.model model.add_rigidwall(data) self.entities.append(obj)
[docs] def set_transform(self, filename=None, idnoff=0, ideoff=0, idpoff=0, idmoff=0, idsoff=0, idfoff=0, transform=None): """Include independent input files containing model data, allow for node, element, and set IDs to be offset and for coordinates and constitutive parameters to be transformed and scaled. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of file to include in the keyword file. idnoff : int Offset to node ID. ideoff : int Offset to element ID. idpoff : int Offset to part ID. idmoff : int Offset to material ID. idsoff : int Offset to set ID. idfoff : int Offset to function ID, table ID, and curve ID. transform : Transform Definition for the transformation. """ tranid = transform.create(self.stub) ret = self.stub.CreateIncludeTransform( IncludeTransformRequest( filename=filename, idnoff=idnoff, ideoff=ideoff, idpoff=idpoff, idmoff=idmoff, idsoff=idsoff, idfoff=idfoff, tranid=tranid, ) )"Include transform Created...") return ret
[docs] def save_file(self): """Save keyword files. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ if self.contacts.num() > 0: self.create_control_contact(rwpnal=1.0, ignore=1, igactc=0) self.implicitanalysis.create() self.initialconditions.create() self.constraints.create() self.boundaryconditions.create() self.contacts.create() for obj in self.entities: obj.create()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class BaseSet: """Defines the base class for all set classes.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.type = "PARTSET"
[docs] = 0
[docs] class NodeSet: """Defines a nodal set with some identical or unique attributes.""" def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
[docs] self.nodes = nodes
[docs] self.type = "NODESET"
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create a node set.""" if len(self.nodes) <= 0: return 0 ret = stub.CreateNodeSet(NodeSetRequest(option="LIST", sid=0, genoption="NODE", entities=self.nodes)) = if len(self.nodes) > 1: self.type = "NODESET" else: self.type = "NODE" return
[docs] def num(self): """Get the number of nodes in the node set.""" return len(self.nodes)
[docs] def id(self, pos): """Get the node ID by position.""" return self.nodes[pos]
[docs] def get_nid(self): """Get the node ID.""" if self.type == "NODE": return self.nodes[0] else: return 0
[docs] class SetType(Enum): """Contains the enums for setting types."""
[docs] SHELL = "SET_SHELL"
[docs] SOLID = "SET_SOLID"
[docs] BEAM = "SET_BEAM"
[docs] class NodesetGeneral(BaseSet): """Includes nodal points of element sets. Element sets are defined by ``SET_XXXX_LIST``, where ``XXXX`` can be ``SHELL``, ``SOLID``, ``BEAM``, ``TSHELL`` or ``DISCRETE``. """ def __init__(self, settype=SetType.SHELL, setids=[]):
[docs] self.settype = settype.value
[docs] self.setids = setids
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create a node set.""" if len(self.setids) <= 0: return 0 ret = stub.CreateNodeSet(NodeSetRequest(option="GENERAL", sid=0, genoption=self.settype, entities=self.setids)) = self.type = "NODESET" return
[docs] class NodeSetBox(BaseSet): """include the nodes inside boxes. Parameters ---------- boxes : list A list of BOX. """ def __init__(self, boxes=[]):
[docs] self.boxes = boxes
[docs] self.type = "NODESETBOX"
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create a node set.""" if len(self.boxes) <= 0: return 0 boxids = [] for box in self.boxes: boxid = box.create(stub) boxids.append(boxid) ret = stub.CreateNodeSet(NodeSetRequest(option="GENERAL", sid=0, genoption="BOX", entities=boxids)) = self.type = "NODESETBOX" return
[docs] class PartSet(BaseSet): """Defines a set of parts with optional attributes.""" def __init__(self, parts=[]):
[docs] = parts
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create a part set.""" if len( <= 0: return 0 ret = stub.CreatePartSet(PartSetRequest(sid=0, = if len( > 1: self.type = "PARTSET" else: self.type = "PART" return
[docs] def num(self): """Get the number of parts in the part set.""" return len(
[docs] def pos(self, pos): """Get a part ID by position.""" return[pos]
[docs] def get_pid(self): """Get the part ID.""" if self.type == "PART": return[0] else: return 0
[docs] class SegmentSet(BaseSet): """Defines a set of segments with optional identical or unique attributes. Parameters ---------- segments : list [[point1,point2,point3,point4],[point5,point6,point7,point8]...] Define segments. """ def __init__(self, segments=[]):
[docs] self.segments = segments
[docs] self.type = "SEGMENTSET"
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create a segment set.""" if len(self.segments) <= 0: return 0 n1 = [] n2 = [] n3 = [] n4 = [] for i in range(len(self.segments)): n1.append(self.segments[i][0]) n2.append(self.segments[i][1]) n3.append(self.segments[i][2]) n4.append(self.segments[i][3]) ret = stub.CreateSegmentSet(SegmentSetRequest(n1=n1, n2=n2, n3=n3, n4=n4)) ="Segment Set Created...") return
[docs] class BeamFormulation(Enum):
[docs] SPOTWELD = 9
[docs] class ShellFormulation(Enum):
[docs] SR_HUGHES_LIU = 6
[docs] PLANE_STRESS = 12
[docs] class IGAFormulation(Enum):
[docs] class SolidFormulation(Enum):
[docs] class HourglassType(Enum):
[docs] class BeamSection: """Defines cross-sectional properties for beams, trusses, discrete beams, and cable elements.""" def __init__( self, element_formulation, shear_factor=1, cross_section=0, thickness_n1=0, thickness_n2=0, ):
[docs] stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] ret = stub.CreateSectionBeam( SectionBeamRequest( elform=element_formulation, shrf=shear_factor, cst=cross_section, ts1=thickness_n1, ts2=thickness_n2, ) )
[docs] =
[docs] class ShellSection: """Defines section properties for shell elements.""" def __init__( self, element_formulation, shear_factor=1, integration_points=5, printout=0, thickness1=0, thickness2=0, thickness3=0, thickness4=0, ):
[docs] stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] ret = stub.CreateSectionShell( SectionShellRequest( elform=element_formulation, shrf=shear_factor, nip=integration_points, propt=printout, t1=thickness1, t2=thickness2, t3=thickness3, t4=thickness4, ) )
[docs] =
[docs] class IGASection: """Defines section properties for isogeometric shell elements.""" def __init__(self, element_formulation, shear_factor=1, thickness=1):
[docs] stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] ret = stub.CreateSectionIGAShell( SectionIGAShellRequest(elform=element_formulation, shrf=shear_factor, thickness=thickness) )
[docs] =
[docs] class Part: """Defines the part object.""" def __init__(self, id):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = ""
[docs] = id
[docs] self.secid = 0
[docs] self.mid = 0
[docs] self.eosid = 0
[docs] self.hgid = 0
[docs] self.grav = 0
[docs] self.adpopt = 0
[docs] self.tmid = 0
[docs] self.formulation = 0
[docs] self.stiffness_damping = 0
[docs] self.rigidbody_initial_velocity = False
[docs] self.translation = Velocity(0, 0, 0)
[docs] self.rotation = RotVelocity(0, 0, 0)
[docs] self.extra_nodes_defined = False
[docs] def set_material(self, mat, mat_thermal=None): """Set the material.""" mat.create(self.stub) self.mid = mat.material_id if mat_thermal is not None: mat_thermal.create(self.stub) self.tmid = mat_thermal.material_id else: self.tmid = 0 if isinstance(mat, MatAdditional): if mat.thermal_isotropic: self.tmid = self.mid
[docs] def set_element_formulation(self, formulation): """Set the element formulation.""" self.formulation = formulation.value
[docs] def set_stiffness_damping_coefficient(self, coefficient): """Set the stiffness damping coefficient.""" self.stiffness_damping = coefficient
[docs] def set_extra_nodes(self, nodeset): """Set extra nodes for the rigid body. Parameters ---------- nodeset : NodeSet Extra nodes list. """ self.extra_nodes_defined = True self.extra_nodes = nodeset
[docs] def set_rigidbody_initial_velocity(self, translation=Velocity(0, 0, 0), rotation=RotVelocity(0, 0, 0)): """Set initial translational and rotational velocities for the rigid body. Initial translational and rotational velocities are set at the center of gravity for a rigid body or a nodal rigid body. """ self.rigidbody_initial_velocity = True self.translation = translation self.rotation = rotation
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for the part.""" if self.stiffness_damping > 0: self.stub.CreateDampingPartStiffness( DampingPartStiffnessRequest(isset=False,, coef=self.stiffness_damping) )"Assign stiffness damping coefficient to part {}.") if self.extra_nodes_defined: nid = self.extra_nodes.create(self.stub) option = self.extra_nodes.type self.stub.CreateConstrainedExtraNodes( ConstrainedExtraNodesRequest(option="SET",, nid=nid, iflag=0) )"Constrained extra nodes defined for part {}.") if self.rigidbody_initial_velocity: ret = self.stub.CreateInitVelRigidBody( InitVelRigidBodyRequest(, vx=self.translation.x, vy=self.translation.y, vz=self.translation.z, vxr=self.rotation.x, vyr=self.rotation.y, vzr=self.rotation.z, lcid=0, ) )"Initial velocity for rigidbody {}.")
[docs] class BeamPart(Part): """ Defines a beam part. A beam part definition consists of the combined material information, section properties, hourglass type, thermal properties, and a flag for part adaptivity. """ def __init__(self, pid): Part.__init__(self, pid)
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "BEAM"
[docs] self.crosstype = 1
[docs] def set_cross_type(self, cross): """Set the type for the cross section.""" self.crosstype = cross
[docs] def set_diameter(self, diameter): """Set the outer diameter for the cross section.""" self.diameter = diameter
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for the beam part.""" sec = BeamSection( element_formulation=self.formulation, cross_section=self.crosstype, thickness_n1=self.diameter, thickness_n2=self.diameter, ) self.secid = self.stub.SetPartProperty( PartPropertyRequest(, secid=self.secid, mid=self.mid, eosid=self.eosid, hgid=self.hgid, grav=self.grav, adpopt=self.adpopt, tmid=self.tmid, ) )
[docs] class ShellPart(Part): """Defines a shell part. A shell part definition consists of the combined material information, section properties, hourglass type, thermal properties, and a flag for part adaptivity. """ def __init__(self, pid): Part.__init__(self, pid)
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "SHELL"
[docs] self.shear_factor = 1
[docs] self.intpoints = 5
[docs] self.print = 0
[docs] self.thickness = 1
[docs] self.hourglasstype = -1
[docs] self.defined_des_surface = False
[docs] self.despid = 0
[docs] self.desxid = 0
[docs] self.des_nquad = 1
[docs] self.des_nsid = 0
[docs] self.des_rsf = 1
[docs] def set_hourglass(self, type=HourglassType.STANDARD_LSDYNA_VISCOUS, coefficient=0.1): """Set the hourglass type, which identifies the bulk viscosity. Parameters ---------- type : enum Default hourglass control type. coefficient : float, optional Default hourglass coefficient. The default is ``0.``. """ self.hourglasstype = type.value self.coefficient = coefficient
[docs] def set_shear_factor(self, factor): """Set the shear correction factor, which scales the transverse shear stress.""" self.shear_factor = factor
[docs] def set_integration_points(self, points=5): """Set the number of through thickness integration points.""" self.intpoints = points
[docs] def set_printout(self, print): """Set the printout option.""" self.print = print
[docs] def set_thickness(self, thickness): """Set the shell thickness.""" self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def set_des_surface(self, despid=0, desxid=0, nquad=1, nsid=0, rsf=-1): """Generate and place discrete element sphere (DES) elements on the surface of shell elements. Parameters ---------- despid : int, optional Part ID for the generated DES elements. The default is ``0``. desxid : int, optional Section ID for the generated DES elements. The default is ``0``. nquad : int, optional Number of equally spaced DES elements to create on a shell element in each local shell direction. The default is ``1``. nsid : int, optional If defined, this card creates a node set with ID NSID for the nodes generated by this card. The default is ``0``. rsf : float, optional Scale factor for determining the DES radius. The default is ``1``. """ self.defined_des_surface = True self.despid = despid self.desxid = desxid self.des_nquad = nquad self.des_nsid = nsid self.des_rsf = rsf
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for the shell part.""" if self.defined_des_surface: ret = self.stub.CreateDefineDEMeshSurface( DefineDEMeshSurfaceRequest(, type=1, despid=self.despid, desxid=self.desxid, nquad=self.des_nquad, nsid=self.des_nsid, rsf=self.des_rsf, ) )"Define discrete element mesh surface Created...") Part.set_property(self) sec = ShellSection( element_formulation=self.formulation, shear_factor=self.shear_factor, integration_points=self.intpoints, printout=self.print, thickness1=self.thickness, thickness2=self.thickness, thickness3=self.thickness, thickness4=self.thickness, ) self.secid = if self.hourglasstype > 0: ret = self.stub.CreateHourglass( HourglassRequest(ihq=self.hourglasstype, qm=self.coefficient, q1=0, q2=0, qb=0, qw=0) ) self.hgid = else: self.hgid = 0 self.stub.SetPartProperty( PartPropertyRequest(, secid=self.secid, mid=self.mid, eosid=self.eosid, hgid=self.hgid, grav=self.grav, adpopt=self.adpopt, tmid=self.tmid, ) )
[docs] class IGAPart(Part): """ Defines an isogeometric shell part. The part definition consists of the combined material information, section properties, hourglass type, thermal properties, and a flag for part adaptivity. """ def __init__(self, pid): Part.__init__(self, pid)
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "IGA"
[docs] self.shear_factor = 1
[docs] self.thickness = 1
[docs] def set_shear_factor(self, factor): """Set the shear correction factor, which scales the transverse shear stress.""" self.shear_factor = factor
[docs] def set_thickness(self, thickness): """Set the shell thickness.""" self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for the IGA part.""" sec = IGASection( element_formulation=self.formulation, shear_factor=self.shear_factor, thickness=self.thickness, ) self.secid = self.stub.SetPartProperty( PartPropertyRequest(, secid=self.secid, mid=self.mid, eosid=self.eosid, hgid=self.hgid, grav=self.grav, adpopt=self.adpopt, tmid=self.tmid, ) )
[docs] class SolidPart(Part): """ Defines a solid part. The part definition consists of the combined material information, section properties, hourglass type, thermal properties, and a flag for part adaptivity. """ def __init__(self, pid): Part.__init__(self, pid)
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "SOLID"
[docs] self.hourglasstype = -1
[docs] def set_hourglass(self, type=HourglassType.STANDARD_LSDYNA_VISCOUS, coefficient=0.1): """Set the hourglass type, which identifies the bulk viscosity. Parameters ---------- type : enum Default hourglass control type. coefficient : float, optional Default hourglass coefficient. The default is ``0.``. """ self.hourglasstype = type.value self.coefficient = coefficient
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set the properties for the solid part.""" ret = self.stub.CreateSectionSolid(SectionSolidRequest(elform=self.formulation)) self.secid = if self.hourglasstype > 0: ret = self.stub.CreateHourglass( HourglassRequest(ihq=self.hourglasstype, qm=self.coefficient, q1=0, q2=0, qb=0, qw=0) ) self.hgid = else: self.hgid = 0 self.stub.SetPartProperty( PartPropertyRequest(, secid=self.secid, mid=self.mid, eosid=self.eosid, hgid=self.hgid, grav=self.grav, adpopt=self.adpopt, tmid=self.tmid, ) )
[docs] class DRO(Enum):
[docs] class DiscretePart(Part): """Defines a discrete part. The part definition consists of the combined material information, section properties, hourglass type, thermal properties, and a flag for part adaptivity. """ def __init__(self, pid): Part.__init__(self, pid)
[docs] self.type = "DISCRETE"
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.displacement_option = 0
[docs] def set_displacement_option(self, displacement_option=DRO.DESCRIBES_TRANSLATIONAL_SPRING): """Set the displacement, which defines the rotation.""" self.displacement_option = displacement_option.value
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for the discrete part.""" Part.set_property(self) ret = self.stub.CreateSectionDiscrete( SectionDiscreteRequest(dro=self.displacement_option, kd=0, v0=0, cl=0, fd=0, cdl=0, tdl=0) ) self.secid = self.hgid = 0 self.stub.SetPartProperty( PartPropertyRequest(, secid=self.secid, mid=self.mid, eosid=self.eosid, hgid=self.hgid, grav=self.grav, adpopt=self.adpopt, tmid=self.tmid, ) )
[docs] class Parts: """Stores the part list.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.beamlist = []
[docs] self.shelllist = []
[docs] self.solidlist = []
[docs] self.igalist = []
[docs] self.icfdlist = []
[docs] self.icfdvolumelist = []
[docs] self.discretelist = []
[docs] self.isphstructlist = []
[docs] self.isphfluidlist = []
[docs] def add(self, part): """Add a part to the part list.""" if part.type == "BEAM": self.beamlist.append(part) elif part.type == "SHELL": self.shelllist.append(part) elif part.type == "SOLID": self.solidlist.append(part) elif part.type == "IGA": self.igalist.append(part) elif part.type == "ICFD": self.icfdlist.append(part) elif part.type == "ICFDVOLUME": self.icfdvolumelist.append(part) elif part.type == "DISCRETE": self.discretelist.append(part) elif part.type == "ISPHSTRUCT": self.isphstructlist.append(part) elif part.type == "ISPHFLUID": self.isphfluidlist.append(part) else:"Warning: Invalid part type!")
[docs] def get_num_shellpart(self): """Get the number of shell parts.""" return len(self.shelllist)
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for added parts.""" for obj in self.beamlist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.shelllist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.solidlist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.igalist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.icfdlist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.icfdvolumelist: obj.create() for obj in self.discretelist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.isphstructlist: obj.set_property() for obj in self.isphfluidlist: obj.set_property()
[docs] class AnalysisType(Enum):
[docs] EXPLICIT = 0
[docs] IMPLICIT = 1
[docs] class TimestepCtrol(Enum):
[docs] class Integration(Enum):
[docs] class ImplicitAnalysis: """Activates implicit analysis and defines associated control parameters.""" def __init__(self, analysis_type=AnalysisType.IMPLICIT, initial_timestep_size=0):
[docs] self.defined = False
[docs] self.defined_auto = False
[docs] self.defined_dynamic = False
[docs] self.defined_eigenvalue = False
[docs] self.defined_solution = False
[docs] self.defined_mass_matrix = False
[docs] self.imflag = analysis_type.value
[docs] self.dt0 = initial_timestep_size
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] def set_initial_timestep_size(self, size=0): """Define the initial time step size.""" self.defined = True self.dt0 = size
[docs] def set_timestep( self, control_flag=TimestepCtrol.CONSTANT_TIMESTEP_SIZE, Optimum_equilibrium_iteration_count=11, ): """Define parameters for automatic time step control during implicit analysis. Parameters ---------- control_flag : int Automatic time step control flag. Optimum_equilibrium_iteration_count : int, optional Optimum equilibrium iteration count per time step. The default is ``11``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ self.defined_auto = True self.iauto = control_flag.value self.iteopt = Optimum_equilibrium_iteration_count
[docs] def set_dynamic( self, integration_method=Integration.NEWMARK_TIME_INTEGRATION, gamma=0.5, beta=0.25, ): """Activate implicit dynamic analysis and define time integration constants. Parameters ---------- integration_method : enum Implicit analysis type. gamma : float, optional Newmark time integration constant. The default is ``0.5``. beta : float, optional Newmark time integration constant. The default is ``0.25``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ self.defined_dynamic = True self.imass = integration_method.value self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta
[docs] def set_eigenvalue(self, number_eigenvalues=0, shift_scale=0): """Activate implicit eigenvalue analysis and define associated input parameters. Parameters ---------- number_eigenvalues : int, optional Number of eigenvalues to extract. The default is ``0``. shift_scale : float, optional Shift scale. The default is ``0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ self.defined_eigenvalue = True self.neig = number_eigenvalues self.shfscl = shift_scale
[docs] def set_solution( self, solution_method=12, iteration_limit=11, stiffness_reformation_limit=55, absolute_convergence_tolerance=1e-10, ): """Specify whether a linear or nonlinear solution is desired. Parameters ---------- solution_method : int, optional Solution method for implicit analysis. The default is ``12``. iteration_limit : int, optional Iteration limit between automatic stiffness reformations. The default is ``11``. stiffness_reformation_limit : int, optional Stiffness reformation limit per time step. The default is ``55``. absolute_convergence_tolerance : float, optional Absolute convergence tolerance. The default is ``1e-10``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ self.defined_solution = True self.nsolver = solution_method self.ilimit = iteration_limit self.maxref = stiffness_reformation_limit self.abstol = absolute_convergence_tolerance
[docs] def set_consistent_mass_matrix(self): """Use the consistent mass matrix in implicit dynamics and eigenvalue solutions.""" self.defined_mass_matrix = True
[docs] def create(self): """Create an implicit analysis.""" if self.defined == False: return if self.defined: self.stub.CreateControlImplicitGeneral(ControlImplicitGeneralRequest(imflag=self.imflag, dt0=self.dt0)) if self.defined_auto: self.stub.CreateControlImplicitAuto(ControlImplicitAutoRequest(iauto=self.iauto, iteopt=self.iteopt)) if self.defined_dynamic: self.stub.CreateControlImplicitDynamic( ControlImplicitDynamicRequest(imass=self.imass, gamma=self.gamma, beta=self.beta) ) if self.defined_eigenvalue: self.stub.CreateControlImplicitEigenvalue( ControlImplicitEigenvalueRequest(neig=self.neig, shfscl=self.shfscl) ) if self.defined_solution: self.stub.CreateControlImplicitSolution( ControlImplicitSolutionRequest( nsolver=self.nsolver, ilimit=self.ilimit, maxref=self.maxref, abstol=self.abstol ) ) if self.defined_mass_matrix: self.stub.CreateControlImplicitConsistentMass(ControlImplicitConsistentMassRequest(iflag=1))
[docs] class ThermalAnalysisType(Enum):
[docs] STEADY_STATE = 0
[docs] TRANSIENT = 1
[docs] class ThermalAnalysisTimestep(Enum):
[docs] FIXED = 0
[docs] VARIABLE = 1
[docs] class ThermalAnalysis(BaseObj): """Activates thermal analysis and defines associated control parameters.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.defined_solver = False
[docs] self.defined_timestep = False
[docs] self.defined_nonlinear = False
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "analysis_thermal"
[docs] def set_timestep(self, timestep_control=ThermalAnalysisTimestep.FIXED, initial_timestep=0): """Set time step controls for the thermal solution in a thermal only or coupled structural/thermal analysis. Parameters ---------- timestep_control : ThermalAnalysisTimestep Time step control. initial_timestep : float, optional Initial thermal time step. The default is ``0``. """ self.defined_timestep = True self.ts = timestep_control.value self.its = initial_timestep
[docs] def set_solver(self, analysis_type=ThermalAnalysisType.STEADY_STATE): """Set options for the thermal solution in a thermal only or coupled structural-thermal analysis. Parameters ---------- analysis_type : ImplicitAnalysis Thermal analysis type. """ self.defined_solver = True self.atype = analysis_type.value
[docs] def set_nonlinear(self, convergence_tol=1e-4, divergence=0.5): """Set parameters for a nonlinear thermal or coupled structural/thermal analysis. Parameters ---------- convergence_tol : float Convergence tolerance for temperature. divergence : float Divergence control parameter. """ self.defined_nonlinear = True self.tol = convergence_tol self.dcp = divergence
[docs] def create(self): """Create a thermal analysis.""" if self.defined_timestep: self.stub.CreateControlThermalTimestep(ControlThermalTimestepRequest(its=self.its)) if self.defined_solver: self.stub.CreateControlThermalSolver(ControlThermalSolverRequest(atype=self.atype)) if self.defined_timestep or self.defined_solver: self.stub.CreateControlSolution(ControlSolutionRequest(soln=2)) if self.defined_nonlinear: self.stub.CreateControlThermalNonlinear(ControlThermalNonlinearRequest(tol=self.tol, dcp=self.dcp))
[docs] class ContactCategory(Enum):
[docs] class ContactType(Enum):
[docs] NULL = 0
[docs] AUTOMATIC = 1
[docs] GENERAL = 2
[docs] RIGID = 3
[docs] TIED = 4
[docs] ERODING = 6
[docs] EDGE = 7
# class ContactAlgorithm(Enum): # PENALTY_BASED = 1 # CONSTRAINT_BASED = 2
[docs] class OffsetType(Enum):
[docs] NULL = ""
[docs] OFFSET = "OFFSET"
[docs] class ContactFormulation(Enum):
[docs] class SBOPT(Enum):
[docs] SLDING_OPTION = 4
[docs] class ContactSurface: """Defines a contact interface.""" def __init__(self, set):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] = set.create(self.stub)
[docs] self.thickness = 0
if set.type.upper() == "PART": self.type = 3 = set.pos(0) elif set.type.upper() == "PARTSET": self.type = 2 elif set.type.upper() == "NODESET" or set.type.upper() == "NODE": self.type = 4 else: self.type = 0
[docs] self.penalty_stiffness = 1.0
[docs] def set_contact_region(self, box): """Include in the contact definition only those SURFA nodes/segments within a box. Parameters ---------- box : Box Box-shaped volume. """ = return
[docs] def set_contact_thickness(self, thickness): """Set the contact thickness for the SURFA surface. Parameters ---------- thickness : float Contact thickness. """ self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def set_penalty_stiffness_scale_factor(self, scalefactor=1.0): """Set the scale factor on the default surface penalty stiffness. Parameters ---------- scalefactor : int, optional Scale factor. The default is ``1.0``. """ self.penalty_stiffness = scalefactor
[docs] class Contact: """Provide a way of treating interaction between disjoint parts.""" def __init__( self, type=ContactType.NULL, category=ContactCategory.SINGLE_SURFACE_CONTACT, offset=OffsetType.NULL, ):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.rigidwall_penalties_scale_factor = 1
[docs] self.max_penetration_check_multiplier = 4
[docs] self.initial_penetrations = 0
[docs] self.rigidwall_gap_stiffness = 0
[docs] self.category = category
[docs] self.type = type
[docs] self.mortar = False
[docs] self.ignore = 0
[docs] self.offset = offset.value
[docs] self.static_friction_coeff = 0
[docs] self.dynamic_friction_coeff = 0
[docs] self.birth_time = 0
[docs] self.death_time = 1e20
[docs] self.option_tiebreak = False
[docs] self.optionres = 0
[docs] self.contact_formulation = 0
[docs] self.segment_based_contact_option = 2
[docs] def set_mortar(self): """Set the mortar contact. A mort contact is a segment-to-segment, penalty-based contact. """ self.mortar = True
# def set_algorithm(self, algorithm=ContactAlgorithm.PENALTY_BASED): # self.algorithm = algorithm.value
[docs] def set_tiebreak(self): """Set the contact allow for failure. A tieback is a special case of this. After failure, the contact usually becomes a normal one-way, two-way, or single surface version. """ self.option_tiebreak = True self.optionres = 2
[docs] def set_friction_coefficient(self, static=0, dynamic=0): """Set the coefficient of friction. Parameters ---------- static : float, optional Static coefficient of friction. The default is ``0``. dynamic : float, optional Dynamic coefficient of friction. The default is ``0``. """ self.static_friction_coeff = static self.dynamic_friction_coeff = dynamic
[docs] def set_active_time(self, birth_time=0, death_time=1e20): """Set the birth and death time to active and deactivate the contact. Parameters ---------- birth_time : int, optional Time to activate the contact. The default is ``0``. death_time : float, optional Time to deactivate the contact. The default is ``1e20``. """ self.birth_time = birth_time self.death_time = death_time
[docs] def set_initial_penetration(self): """Ignore initial penetrations.""" self.ignore = 1
[docs] def set_slave_surface(self, surface): """Set the slave contact interface.""" self.slavesurface = surface
[docs] def set_master_surface(self, surface): """Set the master contact interface.""" self.mastersurface = surface
[docs] def set_penalty_algorithm( self, formulation=ContactFormulation.STANDARD_PENALTY, segment_based_contact_option=SBOPT.ASSUME_PLANER_SEGMENTS, ): """Set the contact formulation.""" self.contact_formulation = formulation.value self.segment_based_contact_option = segment_based_contact_option.value
[docs] def create(self): """Create a contact.""" opcode = "" if self.type == ContactType.AUTOMATIC: opcode += "AUTOMATIC_" elif self.type == ContactType.TIED: opcode += "TIED_" else: opcode += "" if self.category != ContactCategory.SINGLE_SURFACE_CONTACT: msid = mstyp = self.mastersurface.type mst = self.mastersurface.thickness penalty_stiffness = self.mastersurface.penalty_stiffness if self.category == ContactCategory.SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_CONTACT: opcode += "SURFACE_TO_SURFACE" elif self.category == ContactCategory.SINGLE_SURFACE_CONTACT: opcode += "SINGLE_SURFACE" msid = 0 mstyp = 0 mst = 0 penalty_stiffness = 0 elif self.category == ContactCategory.SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_CONTACT: opcode += "SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE" elif self.category == ContactCategory.NODES_TO_SURFACE: opcode += "NODES_TO_SURFACE" else: opcode += "" if self.offset == OffsetType.OFFSET: opcode += "_OFFSET" elif self.offset == OffsetType.BEAM_OFFSET: opcode += "_BEAM_OFFSET" elif self.offset == OffsetType.CONSTRAINED_OFFSET: opcode += "_CONSTRAINED_OFFSET" else: opcode += "" if self.option_tiebreak: opcode += "_TIEBREAK" if self.mortar == True: option2 = "MORTAR" else: option2 = "" ret = self.stub.CreateContact( ContactRequest( cid=0, title="", option1=opcode, option2=option2, option3=False, offset=self.offset,, msid=msid, sstyp=self.slavesurface.type, mstyp=mstyp, sapr=0, sbpr=0, fs=self.static_friction_coeff, fd=self.dynamic_friction_coeff, vdc=0, penchk=0, birthtime=self.birth_time, sfsa=self.slavesurface.penalty_stiffness, sfsb=penalty_stiffness, sst=self.slavesurface.thickness, mst=mst, optionres=0, nfls=0, sfls=0, param=0, ct2cn=1, soft=self.contact_formulation, sofscl=0.1, lcidab=0, maxpar=1.025, sbopt=self.segment_based_contact_option, depth=2, bsort=100, frcfrq=1, ignore=self.ignore, igap=1, ) )"Contact Created...") return ret
[docs] class ContactGroup: """Create a contact group.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.contactlist = []
[docs] def add(self, contact): """Add a contact in the group.""" self.contactlist.append(contact)
[docs] def create(self): """Create contacts.""" for obj in self.contactlist: obj.create()
[docs] def num(self): """Get the number of contact objects.""" return len(self.contactlist)
[docs] class Constraint: """Provides a way of constraining degrees of freedom to move together in some way.""" def __init__(self): self.stub = stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.spotweldlist = []
[docs] self.cnrbsetidlist = []
[docs] self.jointsphericallist = []
[docs] self.mergerigidlist = []
[docs] def create_spotweld(self, nodeid1, nodeid2): """Define massless spot welds between non-contiguous nodal pairs. Parameters ---------- nodeid1 : int ID for the first node. nodeid2 : int ID for the second node. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ param = [nodeid1, nodeid2] self.spotweldlist.append(param)
[docs] def create_cnrb(self, nodeset): """Create a nodal rigid body, which is a rigid body that consists of defined nodes. Parameters ---------- nodeset : NodeSet Node set that defines the rigid body. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ nodeset.create(self.stub) nsid = self.cnrbsetidlist.append(nsid)
[docs] def create_joint_spherical(self, nodes, relative_penalty_stiffness=1.0, damping_scale_factor=1.0): """Create a joint between two rigid bodies. Parameters ---------- nodes : list List of nodes for creating the joint. relative_penalty_stiffness : int, optional Relative penalty stiffness. The default is ``1.0``. damping_scale_factor : int, optional Damping scale factor on the default damping value. The default is ``1.0``. """ self.jointsphericallist.append([nodes, relative_penalty_stiffness, damping_scale_factor])
[docs] def merge_two_rigid_bodies(self, lead_rigidbody=0, constrained_rigidbody=0): """Merge two rigid bodies. One rigid body, called the constrained rigid body, is merged into another rigid body, called the lead rigid body. Parameters ---------- lead_rigidbody : int, optional Part ID for the lead rigid body. The default is ``0``. constrained_rigidbody : int Part ID for the constrained rigid body. The default is ``0``. """ self.mergerigidlist.append([lead_rigidbody, constrained_rigidbody])
[docs] def create(self): """Create a constraint.""" for obj in self.spotweldlist: self.stub.CreateConstrainedSpotWeld(ConstrainedSpotWeldRequest(node1=obj[0], node2=obj[1]))"Spotweld Created...") for i in range(len(self.cnrbsetidlist)): self.stub.CreateConstrainedNodalRigidBody( ConstrainedNodalRigidBodyRequest(pid=i, nsid=self.cnrbsetidlist[i]) )"CNRB Created...") for i in range(len(self.jointsphericallist)): self.stub.CreateConstrainedJoint( ConstrainedJointRequest( type="SPHERICAL", nodes=self.jointsphericallist[i][0], rps=self.jointsphericallist[i][1], damp=self.jointsphericallist[i][2], ) )"joint spherical Created...") for i in range(len(self.mergerigidlist)): self.stub.CreateConstrainedRigidBodies( ConstrainedRigidBodiesRequest(pidl=self.mergerigidlist[i][0], pidc=self.mergerigidlist[i][1]) )"constrained rigid bodies Created...")
[docs] class BoundaryCondition: """Provides a way of defining imposed motions on boundary nodes.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.spclist = []
[docs] self.imposedmotionlist = []
[docs] self.templist = []
[docs] self.convectionlist = []
self._model = None
[docs] def assign_model(self, model): self._model = model
[docs] def create_spc( self, nodeset, tx=True, ty=True, tz=True, rx=True, ry=True, rz=True, cid=0, birth=0, death=1e20, ): """Define nodal single point constraints. Parameters ---------- nodeset : NodeSet. Node set. contraint_x/y/z_direction : int Translational constraint in local x/y/z-direction. contraint_x/y/zaxis_rotate : int Rotational constraint about local x/y/z-axis. """ param = [nodeset, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz, cid, birth, death] self.spclist.append(param) # self.bdy_spc = nodeset.nodes self._model.add_bdy_spc(nodeset.nodes)
[docs] def create_imposed_motion( self, set, curve, motion=Motion.DISPLACEMENT, dof=DOF.X_TRANSLATIONAL, scalefactor=1, birthtime=0, ): """Create an imposed nodal motion on a node or set of nodes. An imposed nodal motion can be a velocity, acceleration, or displacement. Parameters ---------- partset : PartSet. Part set. curve : Curve Curve ID or function ID to describe the motion value as a function of time. motion : enum Velocity/Acceleration/Displacement flag. dof : enum Applicable degrees of freedom. scalefactor : int, optional Load curve scale factor. The default is ``1``. birthtime : int, optional """ param = [set, curve, motion, dof, scalefactor, birthtime] self.imposedmotionlist.append(param)
[docs] def create_temperature( self, nodeset, curve=None, scalefactor=1, ): """Create temperature boundary conditions for a thermal or coupled thermal/structural analysis. Parameters ---------- nodeset : NodeSet. Node set. curve : Curve, optional Temperature, T, specification. The default is ``None``. scalefactor : float, optional Temperature, T, curve multiplier. The default is ``1``. """ param = [nodeset, curve, scalefactor] self.templist.append(param)
[docs] def create_convection( self, segmentset=None, convection_heat_transfer_coefficient=None, convection_heat_transfer_coefficient_multiplier=0.0, environment_temperature=None, environment_temperature_multiplier=0.0, ): """Apply a convection boundary condition on SEGMENT_SET for a thermal analysis. Parameters ---------- segmentset : SegmentSet. Segment set. convection_heat_transfer_coefficient : Curve Convection heat transfer coefficient. convection_heat_transfer_coefficient_multiplier : float Curve multiplier for convection heat transfer coefficient. environment_temperature : Curve Environment temperature. environment_temperature_multiplier : float Curve multiplier for environment temperature. """ param = [ segmentset, convection_heat_transfer_coefficient, convection_heat_transfer_coefficient_multiplier, environment_temperature, environment_temperature_multiplier, ] self.convectionlist.append(param)
[docs] def create(self): """Create a boundary condition.""" for obj in self.imposedmotionlist: set = obj[0] curve = obj[1] motion = obj[2] dof = obj[3] scalefactor = obj[4] birthtime = obj[5] set.create(self.stub) curve.create(self.stub) if set.type == "PARTSET" or set.type == "PART": for id in ret = self.stub.CreateBdyPrescribedMotion( BdyPrescribedMotionRequest( id=0, heading="", option="RIGID", typeid=id, dof=dof.value, vad=motion.value,, sf=scalefactor, vid=0, birth=birthtime, death=0, ) ) elif set.type == "NODESET": self.stub.CreateBdyPrescribedMotion( BdyPrescribedMotionRequest( id=0, heading="", option="SET",, dof=dof.value, vad=motion.value,, sf=scalefactor, vid=0, birth=birthtime, death=0, ) ) else: pass"Boundary prescribed motion Created...") for obj in self.spclist: nodeset = obj[0] tx = obj[1] ty = obj[2] tz = obj[3] rx = obj[4] ry = obj[5] rz = obj[6] cid = obj[7] birth = obj[8] death = obj[9] if birth == 0 and death == 1e20: birthdeath = False else: birthdeath = True if nodeset.num() == 1: nid = nodeset.pos(pos=0) option1 = "NODE" else: nid = nodeset.create(self.stub) option1 = "SET" self.stub.CreateBdySpc( BdySpcRequest( option1=option1, birthdeath=birthdeath, nid=nid, cid=cid, dofx=tx, dofy=ty, dofz=tz, dofrx=rx, dofry=ry, dofrz=rz, birth=birth, death=death, ) )"Boundary spc Created...") for obj in self.templist: nodeset, curve, scalefactor = obj[0], obj[1], obj[2] if nodeset.num() == 1: nid = nodeset.pos(pos=0) option = "NODE" else: nid = nodeset.create(self.stub) option = "SET" if curve is not None: cid = curve.create(self.stub) else: cid = 0 self.stub.CreateBdyTemp( BdyTempRequest( option=option, nid=nid, tlcid=cid, tmult=scalefactor, ) )"Boundary Temperature Created...") for obj in self.convectionlist: ss, hlc, hmult, tlc, tmult = obj[0], obj[1], obj[2], obj[3], obj[4] ssid, hlcid, tlcid = 0, 0, 0 if ss is not None: ssid = ss.create(self.stub) if hlc is not None: hlcid = hlc.create(self.stub) if tlc is not None: tlcid = tlc.create(self.stub) self.stub.CreateBdyConvection( BdyConvectionRequest(ssid=ssid, pserod=0, hlcid=hlcid, hmult=hmult, tlcid=tlcid, tmult=tmult, loc=0) )"Boundary Convection Created...")
[docs] class InitialCondition: """Provides a way of initializing velocities and detonation points.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.velocitylist = []
[docs] self.velocitynodelist = []
[docs] self.temperaturelist = []
self._model = None
[docs] def assign_model(self, model): self._model = model
[docs] def create_velocity( self, velocityset, angular_velocity=0, velocity=Velocity(0, 0, 0), direction=Direction(0, 0, 0), stime=0, ): """Create initial velocities for rotating and/or translating bodies.""" self.velocitylist.append([velocityset, angular_velocity, velocity, direction, stime])
[docs] def create_velocity_node(self, nodeid, trans=Velocity(0, 0, 0), rot=RotVelocity(0, 0, 0)): """Define initial nodal point velocities for a node.""" self.velocitynodelist.append([nodeid, trans, rot]) # self.init_velocity.append([nodeid,trans.x,trans.y,trans.z]) self._model.add_init_velocity([nodeid, trans.x, trans.y, trans.z])
[docs] def create_temperature(self, nodeset=None, temperature=0): """Create an initial nodal point temperature.""" self.temperaturelist.append((nodeset, temperature))
[docs] def create(self): """Create an initial condition.""" for obj in self.velocitylist: velocityset = obj[0] angular_velocity = obj[1] velocity = obj[2] direction = obj[3] stime = obj[4] id = velocityset.create(self.stub) if velocityset.type.upper() == "PARTSET": type = 1 elif velocityset.type.upper() == "PART": type = 2 else: type = 3 phase = 0 if stime != 0: phase = 1 self.stub.CreateInitVelGenerationStartTime(InitVelGenerationStartTimeRequest(stime=stime)) self.stub.CreateInitVelGeneration( InitVelGenerationRequest( id=id, styp=type, omega=angular_velocity, vx=velocity.x, vy=velocity.y, vz=velocity.z, xc=0, yc=0, zc=0, nx=direction.x, ny=direction.y, nz=direction.z, phase=phase, ) )"Define initial velocities for {type} {id}.") for obj in self.velocitynodelist: nid = obj[0] trans = obj[1] rot = obj[2] velocity = [trans.x, trans.y, trans.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z] self.stub.CreateInitVel(InitVelRequest(nsid=nid, velocity=velocity))"Define initial velocities for node {nid}.") for obj in self.temperaturelist: nset = obj[0] temp = obj[1] id = nset.create(self.stub) type = nset.type.upper() if type == "NODESET": option = "SET" elif type == "NODE": option = "NODE" id = nset.get_nid() else: print("Error:Invalid set type!") self.stub.CreateInitTemperature(InitTemperatureRequest(option=option, nsid=id, temp=temp))"Define temperature at {type} {id}.")
[docs] class RigidwallCylinder(BaseObj): """Defines a rigid wall with a cylinder form. Parameters ---------- tail : Point, optional Coordinates of the tail of the normal vector. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``. head : Point, optional Coordinates of the head of the normal vector. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``. radius : float, optional Radius of the cylinder. The default is ``1``. length : float, optional Length of cylinder. The default is ``10``. """ def __init__(self, tail=Point(0, 0, 0), head=Point(0, 0, 0), radius=1, length=10):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.tail = tail
[docs] self.head = head
[docs] self.radius = radius
[docs] self.length = length
[docs] self.motion = -1
[docs] self.lcid = 0
[docs] self.dir = Direction(1, 0, 0)
[docs] self.type = "rigidwall_cylinder"
[docs] def set_motion(self, curve, motion=RWMotion.VELOCITY, dir=Direction(1, 0, 0)): """Set the prescribed motion.""" curve.create(self.stub) self.lcid = self.motion = motion.value self.dir = dir
[docs] def get_data(self) -> List: """Get the rigidwall data.""" data = [ self.type, self.tail.x, self.tail.y, self.tail.z, self.head.x, self.head.y, self.head.z, self.radius, self.length, ] return data
[docs] def create(self): """Create a rigidwall cylinder.""" parameter = [ self.tail.x, self.tail.y, self.tail.z, self.head.x, self.head.y, self.head.z, self.radius, self.length, ] self.stub.CreateRigidWallGeom( RigidWallGeomRequest( geomtype=3, motion=self.motion, display=1, parameter=parameter, lcid=self.lcid, vx=self.dir.x, vy=self.dir.y, vz=self.dir.z, ) )"Cylinder Rigidwall Created...")
[docs] class RigidwallSphere(BaseObj): """Defines a rigid wall with a sphere form. Parameters ---------- center : Point, optional The center of sphere. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``. orient : Point, optional Vector n determines the orintation of the rigidwall,the center define the tail of normal n, the orient define the head of normal n. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``. radius : float, optional Radius of the sphere. The default is ``1``. """ def __init__(self, center=Point(0, 0, 0), orient=Point(0, 0, 0), radius=1):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] = center
[docs] self.orient = orient
[docs] self.radius = radius
[docs] self.motion = -1
[docs] self.lcid = 0
[docs] self.dir = Direction(1, 0, 0)
[docs] self.type = "rigidwall_sphere"
[docs] def set_motion(self, curve, motion=RWMotion.VELOCITY, dir=Direction(1, 0, 0)): """Set the prescribed motion.""" curve.create(self.stub) self.lcid = self.motion = motion.value self.dir = dir
[docs] def get_data(self) -> List: """Get the rigidwall data.""" data = [ self.type,,,, self.orient.x, self.orient.y, self.orient.z, self.radius, ] return data
[docs] def create(self): """Create a rigidwall sphere.""" parameter = [,,, self.orient.x, self.orient.y, self.orient.z, self.radius, ] self.stub.CreateRigidWallGeom( RigidWallGeomRequest( geomtype=4, motion=self.motion, display=1, parameter=parameter, lcid=self.lcid, vx=self.dir.x, vy=self.dir.y, vz=self.dir.z, ) )"Sphere Rigidwall Created...")
[docs] class RigidwallPlanar(BaseObj): """Defines planar rigid walls with either finite or infinite size. Parameters ---------- tail : Point Coordinate of the tail of the normal vector. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``. head : Point Coordinate of the head of the normal vector. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``. coulomb_friction_coefficient : float, optional Friction coefficieint in coulomb units. The default is ``0.5``. """ def __init__(self, tail=Point(0, 0, 0), head=Point(0, 0, 0), coulomb_friction_coefficient=0.5):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.tail = tail
[docs] self.head = head
[docs] self.fric = coulomb_friction_coefficient
[docs] self.type = "rigidwall_planar"
[docs] def get_data(self) -> List: """Get the rigidwall data.""" data = [self.type, self.tail.x, self.tail.y, self.tail.z, self.head.x, self.head.y, self.head.z] return data
[docs] def create(self): """Create planar rigid walls.""" normal = [ self.tail.x, self.tail.y, self.tail.z, self.head.x, self.head.y, self.head.z, ] self.stub.CreateRigidWallPlanar( RigidWallPlanarRequest(nsid=0, nsidex=0, boxid=0, fric=self.fric, normal=normal) )"Rigidwall Planar Created...")
[docs] class GravityOption(Enum):
[docs] DIR_X = "X"
[docs] DIR_Y = "Y"
[docs] DIR_Z = "Z"
[docs] class Gravity(BaseObj): """Defines body force loads using global axes directions. Body force loads are due to a prescribed base acceleration or angular velocity. """ def __init__(self, dir=GravityOption.DIR_Z, load=Curve(x=[0, 0], y=[0, 0])):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.dir = dir.value
[docs] self.load = load
[docs] self.type = "gravity"
[docs] def create(self): """Define a body force.""" id = self.load.create(self.stub) ret = self.stub.CreateLoadBody(LoadBodyRequest(option=self.dir, lcid=id))"Load body Created...")