Source code for ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynadem


Module for creating a DEM DYNA input deck.

import logging

from .dynabase import *  # noqa : F403

[docs] class DynaDEM(DynaBase): """Contains methods for creating a keyword related to a discrete element method.""" def __init__(self): DynaBase.__init__(self)
[docs] def set_des(self, ndamp=0.0, tdamp=0.0, frics=0.0, fricr=0.0, normk=0.01, sheark=0.2857): """Set global control parameters for discrete element spheres. Parameters ---------- ndamp : float, optional Normal damping coefficient. The default is ``0.0``. tdamp : float, optional Tangential damping coefficient. The default is ``0.0``. frics : float, optional Static coefficient of friction. The default is ``0.0``. - EQ.0: 3 DOF - NE.0: 6 DOF fricr : float, optional Rolling friction coefficient. The default is ``0.0``. normk : float, optional Scale factor of the normal spring constant. The default is ``0.01``. sheark : float, optional Ratio between the sheark/normk. The default is ``0.2857``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateControlDiscreteElement( ControlDiscreteElementRequest( ndamp=ndamp, tdamp=tdamp, frics=frics, fricr=fricr, normk=normk, sheark=sheark, ) )"Control DES Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_define_de_mesh_surface(self, sid, type, despid, desxid, nquad=1, nsid=0, rsf=1.0): """Create discrete element sphere (DES) elements on the surface of shell elements. Parameters ---------- sid : int Part or part set ID for the region of the mesh to place DES elements on. type : int SID type: - type=0: Part set ID - type=1: Part ID despid : int Part ID for the generated DES elements. desxid : int Section ID for the generated DES elements. nquad : int, optional Number of equally spaced DES elements created on a shell element in each local shell direction. The default is ``1``. nsid : int, optional If defined, this card creates a node set with ID NSID for the nodes generated by this card. The default is ``0``. rsf : float, optional Scale factor for determining the DES radius. The default is ``1.0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateDefineDEMeshSurface( DefineDEMeshSurfaceRequest( sid=sid, type=type, despid=despid, desxid=desxid, nquad=nquad, nsid=nsid, rsf=rsf, ) )"Define discrete element mesh surface Created...") return ret
[docs] def save_file(self): """Save keyword files. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ DynaBase.save_file(self)
[docs] class DEMAnalysis(BaseObj): """Activates DEM analysis and defines associated control parameters.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.defined_des = False
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "analysis_dem"
[docs] def set_des( self, normal_damping_coeff=0.0, tangential_damping_coeff=0.0, static_friction_coeff=0.0, rolling_friction_coeff=0.0, normal_spring_constant_sf=0.01, ratio=0.2857, ): """Set global control parameters for discrete element spheres. Parameters ---------- normal_damping_coeff : float, optional Normal damping coefficient. The default value is ``0.0``. tangential_damping_coeff : float, optional Tangential damping coefficient. The default value is ``0.0``. static_friction_coeff : float, optional Static coefficient of friction. The default is ``0.0``. rolling_friction_coeff : float, optional Rolling coefficient of friction. The default is ``0.0``. normal_spring_constant_sf : float, optional Normal spring constant. The default is ``0.01``. ratio : float, optional Ratio. The default is ``0.2857``. """ self.defined_des = True self.ndamp = normal_damping_coeff self.tdamp = tangential_damping_coeff self.frics = static_friction_coeff self.fricr = rolling_friction_coeff self.normk = normal_spring_constant_sf self.sheark = ratio
[docs] def create(self): """Create a DEM analysis.""" if self.defined_des: self.stub.CreateControlDiscreteElement( ControlDiscreteElementRequest( ndamp=self.ndamp, tdamp=self.tdamp, frics=self.frics, fricr=self.fricr, normk=self.normk, sheark=self.sheark, ) )