Source code for ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynaicfd


Module for creating an ICFD (incompressible computational fluid dynamics) DYNA input deck.

import logging

from .dynabase import *  # noqa : F403

[docs] class DynaICFD(DynaBase): """Contains methods for create a keyword related to an ICFD analysis.""" def __init__(self): DynaBase.__init__(self) self.create_section_icfd(1)
[docs] self.timestep = 0
[docs] self.termination = 1e28
[docs] def set_termination(self, termination_time): """Set the total time of the simulation for the fluid problem. Parameters ---------- termination_time : float Total time of the simulation for the fluid problem. """ self.termination = termination_time
[docs] def create_control_general(self, atype=0, mtype=0, dvcl=0, rdvcl=0): """Specify the type of CFD analysis. Parameters ---------- atype : int, optional Analysis type. The default is ``0``. mtype : int, optional Solving method type. The default is ``0``. dvcl : int, optional Flag for divergence cleaning. The default is ``0``. rdvcl : int, optional Flag for remeshing divergence cleaning. The default is ``0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlGeneral( ICFDControlGeneralRequest(atype=atype, mtype=mtype, dvcl=dvcl, rdvcl=rdvcl) )"ICFD control general Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_control_output(self, msgl): """Modify default values for screen and file outputs related to the fluid solver only. Parameters ---------- msgl : int Message level. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlOutput(ICFDControlOutputRequest(msgl=msgl))"ICFD control output Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_control_turbulence(self, tmod): """Modify the default values for the turbulence model. Parameters ---------- tmod : int Turbulence model to use. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlTurbulence(ICFDControlTurbulenceRequest(tmod=tmod))"ICFD control turbulence Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_control_dem_coupling(self, ctype=0, bt=0, dt=1e28, sf=1): """Activate coupling between the ICFD and DEM solvers. Parameters ---------- ctype : int, optional Coupling direction to the solver. The default is ``0``. bt : float, optional Birth time for the DEM coupling. The default is ``0``. dt : float, optional Death time for the DEM coupling. The default is ``1e28``. sf : float, optional Scale factor to apply to the force transmitted by the fluid to the structure. The default is ``1``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlDEMCoupling(ICFDControlDEMCouplingRequest(ctype=ctype, bt=bt, dt=dt, sf=sf))"ICFD control dem coupling Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_section_icfd(self, sid): """Define a section for the ICFD solver. Parameters ---------- sid : int Section ID. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateSection(ICFDSectionRequest(sid=sid))"ICFD Section Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_part_icfd(self, pid, secid, mid): """Define parts for the ICFD solver. Parameters ---------- pid : int Part ID for fluid surfaces. secid : int Section ID defined with the ``\*ICFD_SECTION`` card. mid : int Material ID defined with the ``\*ICFD_MAT`` card. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreatePart(ICFDPartRequest(pid=pid, secid=secid, mid=mid))"ICFD part Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_solver_tol_mmov(self, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8): """Change the default tolerance values for the mesh movement algorithm. Parameters ---------- atol : float, optional Absolute convergence criteria. The default is ``1e-8``. rtol : float, optional Relative convergence criteria. The default is ``1e-8``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateSolverTolMMOV(ICFDSolverTolMMOVRequest(atol=atol, rtol=rtol))"tolerance values for the mesh movement algorithm changed...") return ret
[docs] def set_initial(self, velocity=Velocity(0, 0, 0), temperature=0, pressure=0): """Assign the initial condition to all nodes at once. Parameters ---------- velocity : Velocity, optional Initial velocity. The default is ``(0, 0, 0)``, temperature : float, optional Initial temperature. The default is ``0``. pressure : float, optional Initial pressure. The default is ``0``. """ ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateInit( ICFDInitRequest(pid=0, vx=velocity.x, vy=velocity.y, vz=velocity.z, t=temperature, p=pressure) )"ICFD_INIT Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_imposed_move(self, vx=None, vy=None, vz=None): """Impose a velocity on the whole volume mesh. Parameters ---------- vx : vy : """ lcvx, lcvy, lcvz = 0, 0, 0 if vx != None: vx.create(self.stub) lcvx = if vy != None: vy.create(self.stub) lcvy = if vz != None: vz.create(self.stub) lcvz = ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlImposedMove( ICFDControlImposedMoveRequest(pid=0, lcvx=lcvx, lcvy=lcvy, lcvz=lcvz) ) return ret
[docs] def save_file(self): """Save keyword files.""" self.create_section_icfd(1) DynaBase.save_file(self)
[docs] class ICFD_SurfRemeshMethod(Enum):
[docs] class ICFD_AnalysisType(Enum):
[docs] class ICFD_MessageLevel(Enum):
[docs] class ICFD_CouplingForm(Enum):
[docs] class ICFD_CouplingDirection(Enum):
[docs] class ICFDAnalysis(BaseObj): """Activates an ICFD analysis and defines associated control parameters.""" def __init__(self):
[docs] self.defined_timestep = False
[docs] self.defined_volumemesh = False
[docs] self.defined_surfmesh = False
[docs] self.defined_type = False
[docs] self.defined_output = False
[docs] self.defined_fsi = False
[docs] self.defined_steady_state = False
[docs] self.defined_coupling_dem = False
[docs] self.defined_mesh_adapt = False
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "analysis_icfd"
[docs] def set_type(self, analysis_type=ICFD_AnalysisType.TRANSIENT_ANALYSIS): """Set the type of the CFD analysis. Parameters ---------- analysis_type : ICFD_AnalysisType Analysis type. The default is ``TRANSIENT_ANALYSIS``. """ self.defined_type = True self.atype = analysis_type.value
[docs] def set_output(self, messagelevel=ICFD_MessageLevel.TIMESTEP_INFORMATION, iteration_interval=0): """Modify default values for screen and file outputs related to the fluid solver only. Parameters ---------- messagelevel : ICFD_MessageLevel, optional Message level. The default is ``TIMESTEP_INFORMATION``. iteration_interval : int, optional Iteration interval to print the output at. The default is ``0``. """ self.defined_output = True self.msgl = messagelevel.value self.itout = iteration_interval
[docs] def set_fsi(self, couplingdir=ICFD_CouplingDirection.TWO_WAY_COUPLING): """Modify default values for the fluid-structure interaction coupling algorithm. Parameters ---------- couplingdir : ICFD_CouplingDirection, optional Coupling direction to the solver. The default is ``TWO_WAY_COUPLING``. """ self.defined_fsi = True self.owc = couplingdir.value
[docs] def set_steady_state( self, max_iteration=1e6, momentum_tol_limit=1e-3, pressure_tol_limit=1e-3, temperature_tol_limit=1e-3, velocity_relax_param=0.3, pressure_relax_param=0.7, ): """Set convergence options for the steady state solver. Parameters ---------- max_iteration : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to reach convergence. The default is ``1000000.0``. momentum_tol_limit : float, optional Tolerance limits for the momentum equations. The default is ``0.001``. pressure_tol_limit : float, optional Tolerance limits for the pressure equations. The default is ``0.001``. temperature_tol_limit : float, optional Tolerance limits for the temperature equations. The default is ``0.001``. velocity_relax_param : float, optional Relaxation parameters for the velocity. The default is ``0.3``. pressure_relax_param : float, optional Relaxation parameters for the pressure. The default is ``0.7``. """ self.defined_steady_state = True self.its = max_iteration self.tol1 = momentum_tol_limit self.tol2 = pressure_tol_limit self.tol3 = temperature_tol_limit self.rel1 = velocity_relax_param self.rel2 = pressure_relax_param
[docs] def set_timestep(self, timestep=0): """Set the time step for the fluid problem. Parameters ---------- dt : float, optional Time step for the fluid problem. The default is ``0``. """ self.defined_timestep = True self.timestep = timestep
[docs] def set_volume_mesh(self, mesh_growth_scale_factor=1.41): """Modify the default value for automatic volume mesh generation. Parameters ---------- mesh_growth_scale_factor : float, optional Maximum mesh size that the volume mesher is allowed to use when generating the volume mesh. The default is ``1.41``. """ self.defined_volumemesh = True self.mgsf = mesh_growth_scale_factor
[docs] def set_mesh_adaptivity(self, min_mesh_size=0, max_mesh_size=0, max_perceptual_error=0, num_iteration=0): """Activate the adaptive mesh refinement feature. Parameters ---------- min_mesh_size : float, optional Minimum mesh size for the mesh generator. The default is ``0``. max_mesh_size : float, optional Maximum mesh size. The default is ``0``. max_perceptual_error : float, optional Maximum perceptual error allowed in the whole domain. The default is ``0``. num_iteration : int, optional Number of iterations before a forced remeshing. The default is ``0``. """ self.defined_mesh_adapt = True self.minh = min_mesh_size self.maxh = max_mesh_size self.err = max_perceptual_error self.nit = num_iteration
[docs] def set_surface_mesh(self, remesh_method=ICFD_SurfRemeshMethod.LAPLACIAN_SMOOTHING): """Enable automatic surface remeshing. Parameters ---------- remesh_method : ICFD_SurfRemeshMethod, optional Whether to perform a surface remeshing. The default is ``LAPLACIAN_SMOOTHING``. """ self.defined_surfmesh = True self.rsrf = remesh_method.value
[docs] def set_coupling_dem( self, coupling_type=0, birth_time=0, death_time=1e28, scale_factor=1, formulation=ICFD_CouplingForm.FORCE_BASED_ON_VELOCITY_DRAG_VALUE, ): """Activate coupling between the ICFD and DEM solvers. Parameters ---------- coupling_type : int, optional Coupling direction to the solver. The default is ``0``. birth_time : float, optional Birth time for the DEM coupling. The default is ``0``. death_time : float, optional Death time for the DEM coupling. The default is ``1e+28``. scale_factor : float, optional Scale factor applied to the force transmitted by the fluid to the structure. The default is ``1``. formulation : int, optional Type of formulation to use in the coupling. The default is ``FORCE_BASED_ON_VELOCITY_DRAG_VALUE``. """ self.defined_coupling_dem = True self.ctype = coupling_type = birth_time self.dt = death_time self.sf = scale_factor self.form = formulation.value
[docs] def create(self): """Create ICFD analysis.""" if self.defined_timestep: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlTime(ICFDControlTimeRequest(tim=DynaSolution.termination_time, dt=self.timestep)) if self.defined_volumemesh: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlMesh(ICFDControlMeshRequest(mgsf=self.mgsf)) if self.defined_surfmesh: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlSurfMesh(ICFDControlSurfMeshRequest(rsrf=self.rsrf)) if self.defined_type: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlGeneral(ICFDControlGeneralRequest(atype=self.atype, mtype=0, dvcl=0, rdvcl=0)) if self.defined_output: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlOutput(ICFDControlOutputRequest(msgl=self.msgl, itout=self.itout)) if self.defined_fsi: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlFSI(ICFDControlFSIRequest(owc=self.owc)) if self.defined_steady_state: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlSteady( ICFDControlSteadyRequest( its=self.its, tol1=self.tol1, tol2=self.tol2, tol3=self.tol3, rel1=self.rel1, rel2=self.rel2 ) ) if self.defined_coupling_dem: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlDEMCoupling( ICFDControlDEMCouplingRequest(ctype=self.ctype,, dt=self.dt, sf=self.sf, form=self.form) ) if self.defined_mesh_adapt: self.stub.ICFDCreateControlAdapt( ICFDControlAdaptRequest(minh=self.minh, maxh=self.maxh, err=self.err, nit=self.nit) )
[docs] class Compressible(Enum):
[docs] VACUUM = 0
[docs] class MatICFD: """Defines physical properties for the fluid material. Parameters ---------- flag : int Flag for chooseing between fully incompressible, slightly compressible, or barotropic flows. The default is ``FULLY_INCOMPRESSIBLE_FLUID``. Options are: - EQ.0: Vacuum (free surface problems only) - EQ.1: Fully incompressible fluid flow_density : float, optional Flow density. The default is ``0``. dynamic_viscosity : float, optional Dynamic viscosity. The default is ``0``. heat_capacity : thermal_conductivity : thremal_expansion_coefficent : """ def __init__( self, flag=Compressible.FULLY_INCOMPRESSIBLE_FLUID, flow_density=0, dynamic_viscosity=0, heat_capacity=0, thermal_conductivity=0, thermal_expansion_coefficient=0, ):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.flag = flag.value
[docs] self.flow_density = flow_density
[docs] self.dynamic_viscosity = dynamic_viscosity
[docs] self.hc = heat_capacity
[docs] = thermal_conductivity
[docs] self.beta = thermal_expansion_coefficient
[docs] def create(self, stub): """Create an ICFD material.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateMat( ICFDMatRequest( flg=self.flag, ro=self.flow_density, vis=self.dynamic_viscosity, hc=self.hc,, beta=self.beta ) ) self.material_id ="ICFD material {self.material_id} Created...")
[docs] class ICFDDOF(Enum):
[docs] X = 1
[docs] Y = 2
[docs] Z = 3
[docs] class Vel(Enum):
[docs] class ICFDPart: """Defines a part for the ICFD solver.""" def __init__(self, id):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "ICFD"
[docs] = id
[docs] self.secid = 1
[docs] self.mid = 0
[docs] def set_material(self, mat): """Set a material.""" mat.create(self.stub) self.mid = mat.material_id
[docs] def set_prescribed_velocity(self, motion, dof=ICFDDOF.X, velocity_flag=Vel.LINEAR_VELOCITY): """Impose the fluid velocity on the boundary. Parameters ---------- dof : int, optional Applicable degrees of freedom. The default is ``ICFDDOF.X``. Options are: - EQ.1: x-degree of freedom - EQ.2: y-degree of freedom - EQ.3: z-degree of freedom - EQ.4: Normal direction degree of freedom velocity_flag : int, optional Velocity flag. The default is ``LINEAR_VELOCITY``. Options are: - EQ.1: Linear velocity - EQ.2: Angular velocity - EQ.3: Parabolic velocity profile - EQ.4: Activates synthetic turbulent field on part """ motion.create(self.stub) lcid = ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateBdyPrescribedVel( ICFDBdyPrescribedVelRequest(, dof=dof.value, vad=velocity_flag.value, lcid=lcid) )"ICFD boundary prescribed velocity Created...")
[docs] def set_prescribed_pressure(self, pressure): """Impose a fluid pressure on the boundary. Parameters ---------- pressure : Curve Load curve to describe the pressure value versus time. """ pressure.create(self.stub) lcid = ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateBdyPrescribedPre(ICFDBdyPrescribedPreRequest(, lcid=lcid))"ICFD boundary prescribed pressure Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_prescribed_temperature(self, temperature): """Impose a fluid temperature on the boundary. Parameters ---------- temperature : Curve Load curve to describe the temperature value versus time. """ temperature.create(self.stub) lcid = ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateBdyPrescribedTemp(ICFDBdyPrescribedTempRequest(, lcid=lcid))"ICFD boundary prescribed temperature Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_free_slip(self): """Specify the fluid boundary with a free-slip boundary condition.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateBdyFreeSlip(ICFDBdyFreeSlipRequest("ICFD boundary freeslip Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_non_slip(self): """Specify the fluid boundary with a non-slip boundary condition.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateBdyNonSlip(ICFDBdyNonSlipRequest("ICFD boundary nonslip Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_fsi(self): """Define the fluid surface to consider in contact with the solid surfaces for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateBdyFSI(ICFDBdyFSIRequest("ICFD boundary FSI Created...") return ret
[docs] def compute_drag_force(self): """Enable the computation of drag forces over given surface parts of the model.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateDBDrag(ICFDDBDragRequest("ICFD database drag Created...") return ret
[docs] def compute_flux(self): """Enable the computation of the flow rate and average pressure over given parts of the model.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateDBFlux(ICFDDBFluxRequest("ICFD database flux Created...") return ret
[docs] def compute_temperature(self): """Enable the computation of the average temperature and the heat flux over given parts of the model.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateDBTemp(ICFDDBTempRequest("ICFD database temperature Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_boundary_layer(self, number=3): """Define a boundary layer mesh as a refinement on the volume mesh. Parameters ---------- number : int, optional Number of elements normal to the surface (in the boundary layer). The default is ``3.`` """ ret = self.stub.MESHCreateBl(MeshBlRequest(, nelth=number - 1))"MESH boundary-layer Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_boundary_layer_symmetry_condition(self): """Specify the part that is to have symmetry conditions for the boundary layer.""" ret = self.stub.MESHCreateBlSym(MeshBlSymRequest( return ret
[docs] def set_imposed_move(self, vx=None, vy=None, vz=None): """Impose a velocity on a specific ICFD part. Parameters ---------- vx : vy : vz : """ lcvx, lcvy, lcvz = 0, 0, 0 if vx != None: vx.create(self.stub) lcvx = if vy != None: vy.create(self.stub) lcvy = if vz != None: vz.create(self.stub) lcvz = ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlImposedMove( ICFDControlImposedMoveRequest(, lcvx=lcvx, lcvy=lcvy, lcvz=lcvz) ) return ret
[docs] def set_property(self): """Set properties for an ICFD part.""" secid = 1 self.stub.SetICFDPartProperty(ICFDPartPropertyRequest(, secid=secid, mid=self.mid))
[docs] class ICFDVolumePart: """Assigns material properties to the nodes enclosed by surface ICFD parts. Parameters ---------- surfaces : list List of part IDs for the surface elements that define the volume mesh. """ def __init__(self, surfaces):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.type = "ICFDVOLUME"
[docs] = id
[docs] self.secid = 1
[docs] self.mid = 0
[docs] self.surfaces = surfaces
[docs] self.defined_imposed_move = False
[docs] def set_material(self, mat): """Set a material.""" self.mid = mat.material_id
[docs] def set_imposed_move(self, vx=None, vy=None, vz=None): """Impose a velocity on a specific ICFD part. Parameters ---------- vx : vy : vz : """ self.defined_imposed_move = True self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.vz = vz
[docs] def create(self): """Create an ICFD volume part.""" ret = self.stub.ICFDCreatePartVol(ICFDPartVolRequest(secid=1, mid=self.mid, spids=self.surfaces)) = if self.defined_imposed_move: lcvx, lcvy, lcvz = 0, 0, 0 if self.vx != None: self.vx.create(self.stub) lcvx = if self.vy != None: self.vy.create(self.stub) lcvy = if self.vz != None: self.vz.create(self.stub) lcvz = ret = self.stub.ICFDCreateControlImposedMove( ICFDControlImposedMoveRequest(, lcvx=lcvx, lcvy=lcvy, lcvz=lcvz) )"ICFD part volume {} Created...") return ret
[docs] class MeshedVolume(BaseObj): """Defines the volume space to mesh. Parameters ---------- surfaces : list List of part IDs for the surface elements to use to define the volume. """ def __init__(self, surfaces):
[docs] self.surfaces = surfaces
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] self.meshsizeshape = []
[docs] self.embeded_surf = []
[docs] self.meshsize_surf = []
[docs] self.fluid_interfaces = []
[docs] self.type = "meshedvolume"
[docs] def embed_shell(self, embeded): """Define surfaces that the mesher is to embed inside the volume mesh. Parameters ---------- embeded : list List of part IDs for the surface elements. """ self.embeded_surf = embeded
[docs] def meshsize_box(self, size, min_point, max_point): """Define a local mesh size in specific zones corresponding to given geometrical shapes. Parameters ---------- size : float Mesh size to apply in the zone of the shape defined by ``SNAME``. parameter : list List of the parameters that define the shape. """ parameter = [min_point.x, min_point.y, min_point.z, max_point.x, max_point.y, max_point.z] self.meshsizeshape.append(["BOX", size, parameter])
[docs] def set_meshsize(self, surfaces): """Define the surfaces that the mesher is to use to specify a local mesh size inside the volume. Parameters ---------- surfaces : list List of part IDs for the surface elements. """ self.meshsize_surf = surfaces
[docs] def set_fluid_interfaces(self, surfaces): """Define the surfaces that the mesher is to use to specify fluid interfaces in multi-fluid simulations. Parameters ---------- surfaces : list List of part IDs for the surface elements. """ self.fluid_interfaces = surfaces
[docs] def create(self): """Create mesh volume.""" ret = self.stub.MESHCreateVolume(MeshVolumeRequest(pids=self.surfaces)) ="MESH volume {} Created...") if len(self.embeded_surf) > 0: self.stub.MESHCreateEmbedShell(MeshEmbedShellRequest(, pids=self.embeded_surf))"Embed surfaces Created...") if len(self.meshsize_surf) > 0: self.stub.MESHCreateSize(MeshSizeRequest(, pids=self.meshsize_surf))"Mesh size surfaces Created...") if len(self.fluid_interfaces) > 0: self.stub.MESHCreateInterf(MeshInterfRequest(, pids=self.fluid_interfaces))"Mesh fluid interfaces Created...") for i in range(len(self.meshsizeshape)): self.stub.MESHCreateSizeShape( MeshSizeShapeRequest( sname=self.meshsizeshape[i][0], force=1, method=0, msize=self.meshsizeshape[i][1], parameter=self.meshsizeshape[i][2], ) )"MESH size shape Created...")