Source code for ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynamech

Mechanical API

Module for setting up explicit or implicit analysis.

from .dynabase import *  # noqa : F403

[docs] class AnalysisType(Enum):
[docs] EXPLICIT = 1
[docs] IMPLICIT = 2
[docs] NONE = 3
[docs] class DynaMech(DynaBase): """Defines a Mechanical analysis.""" def __init__(self, analysis=AnalysisType.EXPLICIT): DynaBase.__init__(self)
[docs] self.casetype = CaseType.STRUCTURE
[docs] self.analysis = analysis.value
[docs] def create_control_output(self, npopt=0, neecho=0): """Set miscellaneous output parameters. Parameters ---------- npopt : int, optional Print suppression during the input phase flag for the D3HSP file. The default is ``0``. Options are: - EQ.0: No suppression. - EQ.1: Nodal coordinates, element connectivities, rigid wall definitions, nodal SPCs, initial velocities, initial strains, adaptive constraints, and SPR2/SPR3 constraints are not printed. neecho : int, optional Print suppression during the input phase flag for the echo file. The default is ``0``. Options are: - EQ.0: All data is printed. - EQ.1: Nodal printing is suppressed. - EQ.2: Element printing is suppressed. - EQ.3: Both nodal and element printing is suppressed. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateControlOutput(ControlOutputRequest(npopt=npopt, neecho=neecho))"Control Output Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_init_velocity(self, translational=Velocity(0, 0, 0), rotational=RotVelocity(0, 0, 0)): """Define initial nodal point velocities using a nodal set ID. Parameters ---------- nsid : int Nodal set ID. translational : Velocity Initial translational velocity in the x,y,z-direction. rotational : RotVelocity Initial rotational velocity about the x,y,z-axis. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ velocity = [ translational.x, translational.y, translational.z, rotational.x, rotational.y, rotational.z, ] ret = self.stub.CreateInitVel(InitVelRequest(nsid=0, velocity=velocity))"Initial velocity Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_defineorientation(self, vid, iop, vector, node1, node2): """Define orientation vectors for discrete springs and dampers. Parameters ---------- vid : int Orientation vector ID. iop : int Options are: - EQ.0: Deflections/rotations are measured and forces/moments are applied along the following orientation vector. - EQ.1: Deflections/rotations are measured and forces/moments are applied along the axis between the two spring/damper nodes projected onto the plane normal to the following orientation vector. - EQ.2: Deflections/rotations are measured and forces/moments are applied along a vector defined by the following two nodes. - EQ.3: Deflections/rotations are measured and forces/moments are applied along the axis between the two spring/damper nodes projected onto the plane normal to the a vector defined by the following two nodes. vector : list [x,y,z] x,y,z : x,y,z-value of the orientation vector. node1 : int Node 1 ID. node2 : int Node 2 ID. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateDefineOrientation( DefineOrientationRequest(vid=vid, iop=iop, vector=vector, node1=node1, node2=node2) )"DefineOrientation Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_shellset(self, option, title, sid, eids): """Define a set of shell elements with optional identical or unique attributes. Parameters ---------- option : string Available options. Choices are ``<BLANK>``,``LIST``, and ``GENERAL``. title : string Title for the shell set. sid : int Set ID. eids : list List of shell element IDs. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateShellSet(ShellSetRequest(option=option, title=title, sid=sid, eids=eids))"Shell Set Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_solidset(self, title, sid, ki): """Define a set of solid elements. Parameters ---------- title : string Title for the set of solid elements. sid : int Set ID. ki : list Solid element IDs. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateSolidSet(SolidSetRequest(title=title, sid=sid, ki=ki))"Solid Set Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_section_solid(self, title, secid, elform): """Define section properties for solid continuum and fluid elements. Parameters ---------- title : string Title for section solid. secid : int Section ID. ``SECID`` is referenced on the ``\*PART`` card. A unique number must be specified. elform : int Element formulation options. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateSectionSolid(SectionSolidRequest(title=title, secid=secid, elform=elform))"Section Solid Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_section_discrete(self, secid, dro=0, kd=0, v0=0, cl=0, fd=0, cdl=0, tdl=0): """Defined spring and damper elements for translation and rotation. Parameters ---------- secid : int Section ID. dro : int, optional Displacement/rotation. The default is ``0``. Options are: - EQ.0: Material describes a translational spring/damper. - EQ.1: Material describes a torsional spring/damper. kd : float, optional Dynamic magnification factor. The default is ``0``. v0 : float, optional Test velocity. The default is ``0``. cl : float, optional Clearance. The default is ``0``. fd : float, optional Failure deflection. The default is ``0``. cdl : float, optional Deflection limit in compression. The default is ``0``. td1 : float, optional Deflection limit in tension. The default is ``0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateSectionDiscrete( SectionDiscreteRequest(secid=secid, dro=dro, kd=kd, v0=v0, cl=cl, fd=fd, cdl=cdl, tdl=tdl) )"Section Discrete Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_hourglass(self, ghid, ihq, qm=0.1, q1=1.5, q2=0.06, qb=1e-9, qw=1e-9): """Define hourglass and bulk viscosity properties. Parameters ---------- ghid : int Hourglass ID. A unique number or label must be specified. ihq : int Hourglass control type. qm : float, optional Hourglass coefficient. The default is ``0.1``. q1 : float, optional Quadratic bulk viscosity coefficient. The default is ``1.5``. q2 : float, optional Linear bulk viscosity coefficient. The default is ``0.06``. qb : float, optional Hourglass coefficient for shell bending. The default is ``1e-09``. qw : float, optional Hourglass coefficient for shell warping. The default is ``1e-09``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateHourglass(HourglassRequest(ghid=ghid, ihq=ihq, qm=qm, q1=q1, q2=q2, qb=qb, qw=qw))"Hourglass 1 Created...") return ret
[docs] def save_file(self, defaultsetting=1): """Save keyword files. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ if self.analysis == 1: self.set_accuracy( objective_stress_updates=Switch.OFF, invariant_node_number=InvariantNode.ON_FOR_SHELL_TSHELL_SOLID, implicit_accuracy_flag=Switch.OFF, ) self.set_bulk_viscosity(bulk_viscosity_type=BulkViscosity.COMPUTE_INTERNAL_ENERGY_DISSIPATED) self.set_energy( hourglass_energy=EnergyFlag.COMPUTED, sliding_interface_energy=EnergyFlag.COMPUTED, ) self.set_hourglass( controltype=HourglassControl.FLANAGAN_BELYTSCHKO_INTEGRATION_SOLID, coefficient=0, ) if > 0: self.create_control_shell( wrpang=0, esort=1, irnxx=0, istupd=0, theory=0, bwc=1, miter=1, proj=1, irquad=0, ) elif self.analysis == 2: self.set_accuracy( objective_stress_updates=Switch.ON, invariant_node_number=InvariantNode.ON_FOR_SHELL_TSHELL_SOLID, implicit_accuracy_flag=Switch.ON, ) self.set_bulk_viscosity(bulk_viscosity_type=BulkViscosity.COMPUTE_INTERNAL_ENERGY_DISSIPATED) self.set_energy( hourglass_energy=EnergyFlag.COMPUTED, sliding_interface_energy=EnergyFlag.COMPUTED, ) self.set_hourglass( controltype=HourglassControl.FLANAGAN_BELYTSCHKO_INTEGRATION_SOLID, coefficient=0, ) if > 0: self.create_control_shell( wrpang=0, esort=1, irnxx=0, istupd=4, theory=0, bwc=1, miter=1, proj=1, irquad=0, ) else: pass DynaBase.save_file(self)
[docs] class Airbag(BaseObj): """Defines an airbag or control volume. Parameters ---------- Set : SegmentSet or PartSet Set. Options are: - EQ.0: Segment set ID. - EQ.1: Part set ID. heat_capacity_at_constant_volume : float, optional Heat capacity at constant volume. The default is ``0``. heat_capacity_at_constant_pressure : float, optional Heat capacity at constant pressure. The default is ``0``. input_gas_temperature : float, optional Temperature of the input gas. The default is ``0``. input_mass_flow_rate : int, optional Load curve ID specifying the input mass flow rate. The default is ``0``. shape_factor_for_exit_hole : float, optional Shape factor for exit hole. The default is ``0``. ambient_pressure : float, optional Ambient pressure. The default is ``0``. ambient_density : float, optional Ambient density. The default is ``0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed.. """ def __init__( self, set, heat_capacity_at_constant_volume=0, heat_capacity_at_constant_pressure=0, input_gas_temperature=0, input_mass_flow_rate=Curve(x=[], y=[]), shape_factor_for_exit_hole=0, ambient_pressure=0, ambient_density=0, ):
[docs] self.stub = DynaBase.get_stub()
[docs] = heat_capacity_at_constant_volume
[docs] self.cp = heat_capacity_at_constant_pressure
[docs] self.t = input_gas_temperature
[docs] self.lcid = input_mass_flow_rate.create(self.stub)
[docs] = shape_factor_for_exit_hole
[docs] = ambient_pressure
[docs] = ambient_density
[docs] self.sid = set.create(self.stub)
if set.type == "SEGMENTSET": self.sidtyp = 0 else: self.sidtyp = 1
[docs] self.type = "airbag"
[docs] def create(self): """Create an airbag.""" self.stub.CreateAirbagModel( AirbagModelRequest( modeltype="SIMPLE_AIRBAG_MODEL", sid=self.sid, sidtyp=self.sidtyp,, cp=self.cp, t=self.t, lcid=self.lcid,, area=0,,, ) )"Airbag Model Created...")