Source code for ansys.dyna.core.pre.dynasolution


Module for providing the top object that sets up a DYNA solution.

import logging
import os
import sys

from ansys.api.dyna.v0.kwprocess_pb2 import *  # noqa : F403
from ansys.api.dyna.v0.kwprocess_pb2_grpc import *  # noqa : F403

# from subprocess import DETACHED_PROCESS
import grpc
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

from ansys.dyna.core.pre.model import Model

# from .kwprocess_pb2 import *
# from .kwprocess_pb2_grpc import *

# from .launcher import *  # noqa : F403

[docs] CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
[docs] MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
[docs] SERVER_PRE_VERSION = "v0.4.6"
[docs] def init_log(log_file): """Initialize a log file. Parameters ---------- log_file : str Name of the log file. """ if not logging.getLogger().handlers: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", filename=log_file, filemode="w", ) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s : %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") console.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(console)
[docs] class DynaSolution: """Contains methods for creating a general LS-DYNA keyword. Parameters ---------- hostname : str, optional Host name. The default is ``"localhost"``. port : str, optional Port. the default is ``"50051"``. """ def __init__(self, hostname="localhost", port="50051", channel=None, server_path=""): # launch server # check_valid_ip(hostname) # double check
[docs] self.pim_client = None
[docs] self.remote_instance = None
if port is None: port = int(os.environ.get("PYDYNAPRE_PORT", DYNAPRE_DEFAULT_PORT)) check_valid_port(port) LOG.debug(f"Using default port {port}") init_log("client.log")
[docs] temp = hostname + ":" + str(port)
[docs] options = [ ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH), ]
if channel is None: self._channel = grpc.insecure_channel(temp, options=options) else: self._channel = channel try: grpc.channel_ready_future(self._channel).result(timeout=5) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError: logging.critical("Can not connect to kwServer") sys.exit()"Connected to kwServer...")
[docs] self.stub = kwC2SStub(self._channel)
[docs] self.object_list = []
[docs] self.mainname = ""
self._path = None DynaSolution.stub = self.stub
[docs] DynaSolution.terminationtime = 0
self._default_model: Model = None
[docs] def get_download_path(): system_type = if system_type == "nt": # Windows downloads_folder = os.getenv("USERPROFILE") + "\Downloads" elif system_type == "posix": # Linux or Macos downloads_folder = "/home/user/Downloads" else: print("platform unsupported") return downloads_folder
[docs] def get_appdata_path(): system_type = if system_type == "nt": # Windows appdata_folder = os.getenv("APPDATA") + "\PYDYNA" if not os.path.isdir(appdata_folder): os.mkdir(appdata_folder) elif system_type == "posix": # Linux or Macos # appdata_folder = "/usr/local/lib" + "/pydyna" appdata_folder = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/Downloads" if not os.path.isdir(appdata_folder): os.mkdir(appdata_folder) else: print("platform unsupported") return appdata_folder
[docs] def downloadfile(url: str, fname: str): resp = requests.get(url, stream=True) total = int(resp.headers.get("content-length", 0)) with open(fname, "wb") as file, tqdm( desc=fname, total=total, unit="iB", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) as bar: for data in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): size = file.write(data) bar.update(size)
[docs] def grpc_local_server_on() -> bool: """Check if the server is launched locally. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:50051") try: grpc.channel_ready_future(channel).result(timeout=5) except: return False return True
[docs] def model(self): """Get model associated with the solution.""" if self._default_model is None: self._default_model = Model(self.stub) return self._default_model
[docs] def get_stub(): """Get the stub of the solution object.""" return DynaSolution.stub
[docs] def add(self, obj): """Add a case in the solution. Parameters ---------- obj : """ obj.set_parent(self) self.object_list.append(obj)
[docs] def get_file_chunks(self, filename): """Get file chunks. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file. """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: while True: piece = if len(piece) == 0: return yield Chunk(buffer=piece)
[docs] def upload(self, stub_, filename): """Upload files to the server. Parameters ---------- stub_ : filename : str Name of the file. """ chunks_generator = self.get_file_chunks(filename) response = stub_.Upload(chunks_generator)
[docs] def download(self, remote_name, local_name): """Download files from the server. Parameters ---------- stub_ : remote_name : local_name : """ response = self.stub.Download(DownloadRequest(url=remote_name)) with open(local_name, "wb") as f: for chunk in response: f.write(chunk.buffer)
[docs] def open_files(self, filenames): """Open initial model files. Parameters ---------- filenames : list List of filenames. The main file is ``[0]``. The others are subfiles. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ splitfiles = os.path.split(filenames[0]) path = splitfiles[0] for filename in filenames: fn = os.path.basename(filename) self.stub.kwSetFileName(kwFileName(name=fn, num=filenames.index(filename))) self.upload(self.stub, path + os.sep + fn) + os.sep + fn + " uploaded to server...") self.mainname = os.path.basename(filenames[0]) return self.stub.LoadFile(LoadFileRequest())
[docs] def set_termination(self, termination_time): """Set time for terminating the job. Parameters ---------- termination_time : float Termination time. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ DynaSolution.termination_time = termination_time ret = self.stub.CreateTermination(TerminationRequest(endtim=termination_time))"Setting termination time ...") return ret
[docs] def create_database_binary(self, filetype="D3PLOT", dt=0, maxint=3, ieverp=0, dcomp=1, nintsld=1): """Request binary output. Parameters ---------- filetype : str, optional Type of file. The default is ``"D3PLOT"``. dt : float, optional Time interval between output states. The default is ``0``. maxint : int, optional Number of shell and thick shell through-thickness integration points to output to the d3plot. The default is ``3``. ieverp : int, optional How to plot output states on plot files. The default is ``0``. Every output state for the d3plot database is written to a separate file. Options are: - EQ.0: More than one state can be on each plot file. - EQ.1: Only one state can be on each plot file. dcomp : int, optional Data compression to eliminate rigid body data. The default is ``1``. nintsld : int, optional Number of solid element integration points written to the LS-DYNA database. The default is ``1``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateDBBinary( DBBinaryRequest( filetype=filetype, dt=dt, maxint=maxint, ieverp=ieverp, dcomp=dcomp, nintsld=nintsld, ) )"DB Binary Created...") return ret
[docs] def create_database_ascii(self, type, dt=0.0, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0): """Obtain output files containing result information. Parameters ---------- type : string Type of the database. Options are: - BNDOUT - GLSTAT - MATSUM - NODFOR - RCFORC - SLEOUT dt : float, optional Time interval between outputs. The default is ``0.0``. binary : int, optional Flag for whether to generate binary output. The default is ``1``. lcur : int, optional Curve ID specifying the time interval between outputs. The default is ``0``. ioopt : int, optional Flag for governing the behavior of the output frequency load curve defined by the ``lcur`` parameter. The default is ``0``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ ret = self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type=type, dt=dt, binary=binary, lcur=lcur, ioopt=ioopt))"DB Ascii Created...") return ret
[docs] def set_output_database( self, matsum=0, glstat=0, elout=0, nodout=0, nodfor=0, rbdout=0, rcforc=0, secforc=0, rwforc=0, abstat=0, bndout=0, sleout=0, sphmassflow=0, ): """Obtain output files containing result information. Parameters ---------- matsum : float, optional Time interval between outputs of part energies. The default is ``0``. glstat : float, optional Time interval between outputs of global statistics and energies. The default is ``0``. elout : nodout : modfor : rbdout : secforc : rwforce : bndout : sleout : sphmassflow : Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ if matsum > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="MATSUM", dt=matsum, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if glstat > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="GLSTAT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if elout > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="ELOUT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if nodout > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="NODOUT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if rbdout > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="RBDOUT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if rcforc > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="RCFORC", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if secforc > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="SECFORC", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if rwforc > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="RWFORC", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if abstat > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="ABSTAT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if bndout > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="BNDOUT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if nodfor > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="NODFOR", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if sleout > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="SLEOUT", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) if sphmassflow > 0: self.stub.CreateDBAscii(DBAsciiRequest(type="SPHMASSFLOW", dt=glstat, binary=1, lcur=0, ioopt=0)) ret = 1"Output Setting...") return ret
[docs] def save_file(self): """Save keyword files. Returns ------- bool ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ for obj in self.object_list: obj.save_file() ret = self.stub.SaveFile(SaveFileRequest(name=self.mainname)) msg = self.mainname + " is outputed..." return ret.outpath
[docs] def quit(self): """Delete remote instance.""" if self.remote_instance is not None: self.remote_instance.delete() if self.pim_client is not None: self.pim_client.close() return