Source code for ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynalogging

"""Logging module supplying a general framework for logging in the PyDYNA
``pre`` service.

This module is built upon the `Python logging <>`_
module. It is not intended to replace this Python module but rather to provide a way
for it and the PyDyna ``pre`` service to interact.

The loggers used in this PyDyna logging mdoule include the name of the instance,
which is intended to be unique. This name is printed in all the active
outputs and is used to track the different instances of the PyDyNA ``pre``

Global logger
The global logger, named ``pydyna_global``, is created at
``ansys.dyna.core.__init__``.  If you want to use the global logger,
you must call it at the top of your module:

.. code:: python

   from ansys.dyna.core.pre import LOG

You can rename the global logger to avoid conflicts with other loggers (if any):

.. code:: python

   from ansys.dyna.core.pre import LOG as logger

The default logging level of ``LOG`` is ``ERROR``. To change this to output
lower-level messages, you can use this code:

.. code:: python

   LOG.file_handler.setLevel("DEBUG")  # If present.
   LOG.stdout_handler.setLevel("DEBUG")  # If present.

Alternatively, you can set the logging level of ``LOG`` to ``DEBUG``
with one line of code::

.. code:: python


Using the preceding line ensures that all the handlers are set to the input log level.

By default, this logger does not log to a file. If you want to log to a file,
you can add a file handler:

.. code:: python

   import os

   file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "pydyna.log")

The preceding code sets the logger to also redirect to a file. If you want
to change the characteristics of the global logger from the beginning
of the execution, you must edit the ``__init__`` file in the
``ansys.dyna.core.pre`` directory.

To log using this logger, call the desired method as a normal logger.

Instance loggers
Every time an instance of the :class:`Mapdl <ansys.mapdl.core.mapdl._MapdlCore>`
class is created, a logger is created and stored in two places:

* ``_MapdlCore._log``: For backward compatibility.
* ``LOG._instances``: This field is a dictionary  where the key is the name
  of the created logger.

Instance loggers inheritate the ``pydyna_global`` output handlers and
logging level unless otherwise specified. Instance loggers work in a
similar way to the global logger. You can use the
:func:`log_to_file() <PymapdlCustomAdapter.log_to_file>` method to add
a file handler or the :func:`logger.Logging.setLevel` method to change
the log level.

Other loggers
You can create your own loggers using the Python ``logging`` module as
you would do in any other script. No conflicts between these loggers exist.


from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import sys
import weakref

## Default configuration
[docs] LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG
[docs] FILE_NAME = "pydyna.log"
# For convenience
[docs] DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
[docs] INFO = logging.INFO
[docs] WARN = logging.WARN
[docs] ERROR = logging.ERROR
[docs] CRITICAL = logging.CRITICAL
## Formatting
[docs] STDOUT_MSG_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s - %(instance_name)s - %(module)s - %(funcName)s - %(message)s"
[docs] NEW_SESSION_HEADER = f""" =============================================================================== NEW SESSION - {"%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")} ==============================================================================="""
[docs] string_to_loglevel = { "DEBUG": DEBUG, "INFO": INFO, "WARN": WARN, "WARNING": WARN, "ERROR": ERROR, "CRITICAL": CRITICAL, }
[docs] class PymapdlCustomAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): """Adapter for keeping the reference to an MAPDL instance name dynamic. Using the standard approach, extra parameters must be supplied to the logger to indicate the MAPDL instance for which messages must be logged. With this class, you only have to specify the MAPDL instance that you are referring to once. """
[docs] level = None # This is maintained for compatibility with the ``supress_logging`` method, but it does nothing.
[docs] file_handler = None
[docs] stdout_handler = None
def __init__(self, logger, extra=None):
[docs] self.logger = logger
if extra is not None: self.extra = weakref.proxy(extra) else: self.extra = None self.file_handler = logger.file_handler
[docs] self.std_out_handler = logger.std_out_handler
[docs] def process(self, msg, kwargs): kwargs["extra"] = {} # These are the extra parameters sent to the log kwargs["extra"]["instance_name"] = # here self.extra is the argument passed to the log records. return msg, kwargs
[docs] def log_to_file(self, filename=FILE_NAME, level=LOG_LEVEL): """Add a file handler to the logger. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Name of the file where logs are recorded. The default is ``FILE_NAME``. level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``LOG_LEVEL``, which causes all messages to be recorded. For example, you can set the level of logging to ``DEBUG``. """ self.logger = addfile_handler(self.logger, filename=filename, level=level, write_headers=True) self.file_handler = self.logger.file_handler
[docs] def log_to_stdout(self, level=LOG_LEVEL): """Add a standard output handler to the logger. Parameters ---------- level : str, optional Level of logging record. The default is ``LOG_LEVEL``, which causes all messages to be recorded. For example, you can set the level of logging to ``"DEBUG"``. """ if self.std_out_handler: raise Exception("Stdout logger already defined.") self.logger = add_stdout_handler(self.logger, level=level) self.std_out_handler = self.logger.std_out_handler
[docs] def setLevel(self, level="DEBUG"): """Change the log level of the object and the attached handlers. Parameters ---------- level : str, optional Level of logging record. The default is ``"DEBUG``. """ self.logger.setLevel(level) for each_handler in self.logger.handlers: each_handler.setLevel(level) self.level = level
[docs] class PymapdlPercentStyle(logging.PercentStyle): def __init__(self, fmt, *, defaults=None): self._fmt = fmt or self.default_format self._defaults = defaults def _format(self, record): defaults = self._defaults if defaults: values = defaults | record.__dict__ else: values = record.__dict__ # You can do here any changes that you want in record, such as adding a key. # You could create an if here if you want conditional formatting, and even # change the record.__dict__. # Since we don't want to create conditional fields currently, it is fine to keep # the same MSG_FORMAT for all of them. # For the case of logging exceptions to the logger. values.setdefault("instance_name", "") return STDOUT_MSG_FORMAT % values
[docs] class PymapdlFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Provides a customized ``Formatter`` class for overwriting the default format styles.""" def __init__( self, fmt=STDOUT_MSG_FORMAT, datefmt=None, style="%", validate=True, defaults=None, ): super().__init__(fmt, datefmt, style, validate) self._style = PymapdlPercentStyle(fmt, defaults=defaults) # overwriting
[docs] class InstanceFilter(logging.Filter): """Ensures that the ``instance_name`` record always exists."""
[docs] def filter(self, record): if not hasattr(record, "instance_name"): record.instance_name = "" return True
[docs] class Logger: """Provides the logger used for each PyDyna ``pre`` session. This class allows you to add handlers to the logger to output to a file or standard output. Parameters ---------- level : int, optional Logging level to filter the message severity allowed in the logger. The default is ``logging.DEBUG``. to_file : bool, optional Whether to write log messages to a file. The default is ``False``. to_stdout : bool, optional Whether to write log messages to the standard output. The default is ``True``. filename : str, optional Name of the file to write log messages to if ``to_file=True``. The default is ``FILE_NAME``. Examples -------- Demonstrate logger usage from an MAPDL instance mapdl. This logger is automatically created when an MAPDL instance is created. >>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl >>> mapdl = launch_mapdl(loglevel='DEBUG') >>>'This is a useful message') INFO - - <ipython-input-24-80df150fe31f> - <module> - This is LOG debug message. Import the global PYMAPDL logger and add a file output handler. >>> import os >>> from ansys.mapdl.core import LOG >>> file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'pymapdl.log') >>> LOG.log_to_file(file_path) """
[docs] file_handler = None
[docs] std_out_handler = None
_level = logging.DEBUG _instances = {} def __init__(self, level=logging.DEBUG, to_file=False, to_stdout=True, filename=FILE_NAME): """Customized the logger for the PyDYNA ``pre`` service. Parameters ---------- level : str, optional Level of logging as defined in the ``logging`` package. The default is ``DEBUG``. to_file : bool, optional Whether to record the logs in a file. The default is ``False``. to_stdout : bool, optional Whether to output the logs to the standard output, which is the command line. The default is ``True``. filename : str, optional Name of the file where the logs are recorded if ``to_file=True``. The default is ``FILE_NAME``, in which case they are recorded in the ``'pymapdl.log'`` file. """ # create default main logger
[docs] self.logger = logging.getLogger("pydyna_global")
self.logger.addFilter(InstanceFilter()) self.logger.setLevel(level)
[docs] self.logger.propagate = True
[docs] self.level = self.logger.level # TODO: TO REMOVE
# Writing logging methods.
[docs] self.debug = self.logger.debug
[docs] =
[docs] self.warning = self.logger.warning
[docs] self.error = self.logger.error
[docs] self.critical = self.logger.critical
[docs] self.log = self.logger.log
if to_file or filename != FILE_NAME: # We record to file self.log_to_file(filename=filename, level=level) if to_stdout: self.log_to_stdout(level=level) # Using logger to record unhandled exceptions self.add_handling_uncaught_expections(self.logger)
[docs] def log_to_file(self, filename=FILE_NAME, level=LOG_LEVEL): """Add a file handler to logger. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Name of the file where the logs are recorded. The default is ``FILE_NAME``, in which case they are recorded in the ``'pymapdl.log'`` file. level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``LOG_LEVEL``, in which case ``'DEBUG'`` is used. Examples -------- Write to the ``pymapdl.log`` file in the current working directory. >>> from ansys.mapdl.core import LOG >>> import os >>> file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'pymapdl.log') >>> LOG.log_to_file(file_path) """ self = addfile_handler(self, filename=filename, level=level, write_headers=True)
[docs] def log_to_stdout(self, level=LOG_LEVEL): """Add a standard output handler to the logger. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Name of the file where the logs are recorded. The default is ``FILE_NAME``, in which case they are recorded in the ``'pymapdl.log'`` file. level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``LOG_LEVEL``, in which case ``'DEBUG'`` is used. write_headers : bool, optional Whether to write the headers to the file. The default is ``True``. """ self = add_stdout_handler(self, level=level)
[docs] def setLevel(self, level="DEBUG"): """Change the log level of the object and the attached handlers. Parameters ---------- level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``'DEBUG'``. """ self.logger.setLevel(level) for each_handler in self.logger.handlers: each_handler.setLevel(level) self._level = level
def _make_child_logger(self, sufix, level): """Create a child logger. This method uses the ``getChild`` method or copies attributes between the ``pymapdl_global`` logger and the new one. """ logger = logging.getLogger(sufix) logger.std_out_handler = None logger.file_handler = None if self.logger.hasHandlers: for each_handler in self.logger.handlers: new_handler = copy(each_handler) if each_handler == self.file_handler: logger.file_handler = new_handler elif each_handler == self.std_out_handler: logger.std_out_handler = new_handler if level: # The logger handlers are copied and changed the loglevel is # the specified log level is lower than the one of the # global. if each_handler.level > string_to_loglevel[level.upper()]: new_handler.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(new_handler) if level: if isinstance(level, str): level = string_to_loglevel[level.upper()] logger.setLevel(level) else: logger.setLevel(self.logger.level) logger.propagate = True return logger
[docs] def add_child_logger(self, sufix, level=None): """Add a child logger to the main logger. This child logger is more general than an instance logger, which is designed to track the state of MAPDL instances. If the logging level is in the arguments, a new logger with a reference to the ``_global`` logger handlers is created instead of a child logger. Parameters ---------- sufix : str Name of the logger. level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``None``. Returns ------- logging.logger Logger class. """ name = + "." + sufix self._instances[name] = self._make_child_logger(self, name, level) return self._instances[name]
def _add_mapdl_instance_logger(self, name, mapdl_instance, level): if isinstance(name, str): instance_logger = PymapdlCustomAdapter(self._make_child_logger(name, level), mapdl_instance) elif not name: # pragma: no cover instance_logger = PymapdlCustomAdapter(self._make_child_logger("NO_NAMED_YET", level), mapdl_instance) else: raise ValueError("You can only input 'str' classes to this method.") return instance_logger
[docs] def add_instance_logger(self, name, mapdl_instance, level=None): """Create a logger for an MAPDL instance. The MAPDL instance logger is a logger with an adapter that adds contextual information, such as the MAPDL instance name. This logger is returned, and you can use it to log events as a normal logger. It is also stored in the ``_instances`` field. Parameters ---------- name : str Name for the new logger. mapdl_instance : ansys.mapdl.core.mapdl._MapdlCore MAPDL instance object. This should contain the ``name`` attribute. Returns ------- ansys.mapdl.core.logging.PymapdlCustomAdapter Logger adapter customized to add MAPDL information to the logs. You can use this class to log events in the same way you use the ``logger`` class. Raises ------ Exception You can only input strings as ``name`` to this method. """ count_ = 0 new_name = name while new_name in logging.root.manager.__dict__.keys(): count_ += 1 new_name = name + "_" + str(count_) self._instances[new_name] = self._add_mapdl_instance_logger(new_name, mapdl_instance, level) return self._instances[new_name]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._instances.keys(): return self._instances[key] else: raise KeyError(f"There is no instances with name {key}")
[docs] def add_handling_uncaught_expections(self, logger): """Redirect the output of an exception to the logger.""" def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return logger.critical("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.excepthook = handle_exception
[docs] def addfile_handler(logger, filename=FILE_NAME, level=LOG_LEVEL, write_headers=False): """Add a file handler to the input. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger or logging.Logger Logger to add the file handler to. filename : str, optional Name of the output file. The default is ``FILE_NAME``. level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``LOG_LEVEL``. write_headers : bool, optional Whether to write the headers to the file. The default is ``False``. Returns ------- logger Logger or Logger object. """ file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename) file_handler.setLevel(level) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(FILE_MSG_FORMAT)) if isinstance(logger, Logger): logger.file_handler = file_handler logger.logger.addHandler(file_handler) elif isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): logger.file_handler = file_handler logger.addHandler(file_handler) if write_headers: return logger
[docs] def add_stdout_handler(logger, level=LOG_LEVEL, write_headers=False): """Add a file handler to the logger. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger or logging.Logger Logger to add the file handler to. level : str, optional Level of logging. The default is ``LOG_LEVEL``, in which case ``""DEBUG" is used``. write_headers : bool, optional Whether to write the headers to the file. The default is ``False``. Returns ------- logger Logger or Logger object. """ std_out_handler = logging.StreamHandler() std_out_handler.setLevel(level) std_out_handler.setFormatter(PymapdlFormatter(STDOUT_MSG_FORMAT)) if isinstance(logger, Logger): logger.std_out_handler = std_out_handler logger.logger.addHandler(std_out_handler) elif isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): logger.addHandler(std_out_handler) if write_headers: return logger
[docs] LOG = Logger(level=logging.ERROR, to_file=False, to_stdout=True)
LOG.debug("Loaded logging module as LOG")