ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver ================================= .. py:module:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Dyna solver =========== Module for defining the PyDNYA ``solver`` service. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Exceptions ---------- .. autoapisummary:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver.RunningError ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver.NotFound ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver.UnexpectedResponse Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: ansys.dyna.core.solver.dynasolver.DynaSolver Module Contents --------------- .. py:exception:: RunningError Bases: :py:obj:`Exception` Documentation missing. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:exception:: NotFound Bases: :py:obj:`Exception` Documentation missing. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:exception:: UnexpectedResponse Bases: :py:obj:`Exception` Documentation missing. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:class:: DynaSolver(hostname='localhost', port='5000', channel=None, server_path='') Provides the gRPC client-side of Ansys LS-DYNA. :Parameters: **hostname** : :class:`python:str` Host name or IP address to connect to. **port** : :class:`python:str` Port the gRPC server is to listen on. :Returns: :obj:`An` :obj:`instance` :obj:`of` :obj:`the` :obj:`client`, :obj:`which` :obj:`can` :obj:`be` :obj:`used` :obj:`to` :obj:`communicate` .. :obj:`with` :obj:`the` :obj:`gRPC` :obj:`server` :obj:`running` :obj:`at` :obj:`the` :obj:`given` :obj:`host` :obj:`name` :obj:`and` port. .. :obj:`The` :obj:`client` :obj:`can` :obj:`then` :obj:`interact` :obj:`with` LS-DYNA :obj:`via` gRPC. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: hostname .. py:attribute:: port .. py:attribute:: pim_client :value: None .. py:attribute:: remote_instance :value: None .. py:attribute:: stub .. py:attribute:: logger .. py:method:: get_appdata_path() :staticmethod: .. py:method:: downloadfile(url: str, fname: str) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: grpc_local_server_on() -> bool :staticmethod: Check if the server is launched locally. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: list_files(subname=None) Get size information about one or more files in the LS-DYNA working directory. :Parameters: **subname** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`default` : :data:`python:None` If given, only files whose names contain subname as a substring are returned. This check is case insensitive. :Returns: :obj:`Array` :obj:`of` (:obj:`filename`, :obj:`size` :obj:`in` :obj:`bytes`) pairs. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: node(n) Get size information about a node in the model's working directory. :Parameters: **n** : :obj:`integer` User ID of a node in the model. :Returns: :obj:`A` :obj:`pair` :obj:`of` 3-tuples :obj:`are` :obj:`returned`, :obj:`giving` :obj:`the` ``(x, y, z)`` :obj:`coordinates` :obj:`and` .. :obj:`velocities` :obj:`of` :obj:`the` node. :obj:`If` :obj:`the` :obj:`node` :obj:`number` :obj:`given` :obj:`does` :obj:`not` :obj:`exist` .. :obj:`in` :obj:`the` :obj:`model`, :obj:`then` ``(None, None)`` :obj:`is` returned. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: pause() Pause LS-DYNA execution. Execution stops until told to resume or quit. Most ``switch``" commands result in one cycle being executed so that the switch can be handled, and then LS-DYNA pauses again. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: pull(fname) Provide an alias for the ``download`` method for backward compatibility. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: download(fname) Download a file from the gRPC server. :Parameters: **fname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the file to download. The file is downloaded to the current working directory of the calling process. The file name should not begin with a leading ``/``. The file is interpreted relative to the LS-DYNA working directory. :Returns: :class:`python:int` Number of bytes received. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: push(fname) Provide an alias for the ``upload` method for backward compatibility. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: upload(fname) Upload a file to the LS-DYNA working directory. :Parameters: **fname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the local file to upload. The contents of this file are copied into the LS-DYNA working directory in a file of the same name, but with any path components removed. :Returns: :class:`python:int` Number of bytes sent. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: quit() Terminate the gRPC server program. This does not terminate LS-DYNA. If the server is running inside a container, it ignore this command and continues running. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: resume(cycle=None, time=None) Resume execution. :Parameters: **cycle** : :obj:`integer`, :obj:`optional` Cycle to pause execution on. The default is ``None``. **time** : :class:`python:float`, :obj:`optional` Ssimulation time to pause execution at. The default is ``None``. **This command can be given whether LS-DYNA is paused or running.** .. **LS-DYNA runs until the given cycle number or simulation time. If** .. **both are given, it stops based on whichever occurs first. If** .. **neither are given, it runs until termination or until paused.** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: run(args) Begin execution with the given string as the command-line arguments. :Parameters: **args** : :class:`python:str` Command line to pass to LS-DYNA. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: setlc(lc, value) Set a load curve to a constant value. :Parameters: **lc** : :class:`python:int` User ID of the load curve to set. **value** : :class:`python:float` Value to set the load curve to. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: start(nproc) Start LS-DYNA. The program starts and awaits further input. To begin a simulation, the ``run`` command must used to send the command line arguments. After starting but before running, a ``resume`` command can be sent to set a pause time or cycle. :Parameters: **nproc** : :class:`python:int` Number of cores (MPI ranks) to run. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: start_locally(preset='MPP', input='', nproc=1, memory=20) Begin execution with the given string as the command-line arguments. :Parameters: **args** : :class:`python:str` Command line to pass to LS-DYNA. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: switch(args) Send a "sense switch" to LS-DYNA. :Parameters: **args** : :class:`python:str` Sense switch string. :Returns: :obj:`If` :obj:`the` :obj:`switch` :obj:`sent` :obj:`is` ``sw2.``, :obj:`a` :class:`python:str` :obj:`is` :obj:`returned` :obj:`with` :obj:`the` .. :obj:`usual` :obj:`status` :obj:`update` :obj:`information` :obj:`that` :obj:`a` :obj:`switch` generates. Otherwise, .. :obj:`an` :obj:`empty` :class:`python:str` :obj:`is` returned. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: tail(which=1, how=2, queuesize=0) Monitor the stdout or stderr of the running job. :Parameters: **which** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Which stream to monitor. The default is ``1``, in which case stdout is used. Otherwise, stderr is used. **how** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` How to handle the file data. The default is ``2``. Options are: - 0: The file contents are printed to stdout, and this method does not return until LS-DYNA terminates. - 1: A ``Queue`` instance is returned. The queue holds raw blocks of text as returned by the server. - 2: A ``Queue`` instance is returned.The queue holds individual lines of text. **queuesize** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Size to use for the ``Queue`` instance if the ``how`` parameter is set to a value greater than ``0``. :Returns: :obj:`If` :obj:`the` :obj:`value` :obj:`for` :obj:`the` ``how`` :obj:`parameter` :obj:`is` :obj:`greater` :obj:`than` 0, :obj:`a` ``Queue instance`` .. :obj:`is` returned. :obj:`When` :obj:`a` :obj:`call` :obj:`to` :obj:`the` ``q.get()`` :obj:`method` :obj:`returns` ``None``, :obj:`all` :obj:`data` .. :obj:`has` :obj:`been` returned. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: time() Get the current cycle count and simulation time. :Returns: :obj:`A` (:obj:`cycle_count`, :obj:`simulation_time`) pair. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: send(cmdin) Send one request to LS-DYNA using the command-line interface. :Parameters: **cmdin** : :class:`python:str` Command to send. :Returns: :data:`python:None` There is no data returned. Data that is returned from the underlying method call is just printed to the screen. This method is used to support the sample interactive ```` program. +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Description | Example | +===========================================+=======================+ | "list" then optional file name | list d3plot | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "list" then optional file name | list d3plot | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "node" user node number | node 43444 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "pause" (no arguments) | pause | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "download" then file name | download glstat | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "upload" then file name | upload input.k | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "quit" (no arguments) | quit | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "resume" optional cycle and/or time | resume 5000 0.25 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "run" then the command line | run i=input.k jobid=xx| +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "setlc" user load curve number and value | setlc 1075 0.245 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "start" number of processors | start 5 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "switch" then switch text | switch sw2 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "tail" then 1 for stdout, 2 for stderr | tail 1 | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | "time" (no arguments) | time. | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: runfile(fname) Read command lines from a file and execute them. Each line is read from the file and echoed to the screen. You must hit the **enter** key to trigger execution of the command. :Parameters: **fname** : :class:`python:str` File to read commands from. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!